Vicky Rowley Solution Architect BIRN Coordinating Center - University of California San Diego E-x-t-e-n-d-i-n-g Rocks: The Creation and Management of Grid Systems for Biomedical Research OSGC Conference - May 14, 2008
BIRN is Data Storage (SRB) and Processing, but… UNM UMN UI Duke UCSD UCI BWH MGH Yale UCLA Stanford = Support existing sites = Establish new sites = Replicate for new community Cluster
Rocks Standard vs. Rocks for BIRN Cluster building focus Data processing focus Lots of big clusters Collaboration focus Data storage/sharing focus A few relatively small clusters Data Grid was needed before clusters processing was needed
MGH Segmentation De-identification And upload JHU Shape Analysis of Segmented Structures BIRN Data Grid BWH Visualization Scientific Goal: classify patient status from morphometric results Large Scale Distributed Computing N=45 Data Donor Site (WashU) So what does BIRN _do_? Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping using the TeraGrid Preliminary Study: 46 hippocampus data sets 30,000 CPU hours, 4 TB data
Shape-derived metrics can be used to detect class-specific information 6 semantic dementia subjects 18 Alzheimer subjects21 control subjects SASHA: Shape Analysis Pipeline Results
The BIRN Collaboratory Today Enabling collaborative research at 28 research institutions comprised of 37 research groups.
How does Rocks make it do that? Installs operating system software Turns individual servers into a “Grid” Portals & web servers Data grid for access & management Compute clusters Database servers Distributes, installs and updates 3rd party, domain- specific scientific software packages Updates system software
What would be better? Add/Improve security & performance monitoring Detect and capture configuration changes Track versions Ideally, reduce, reuse, recycle…
Desired System Qualities Agile Fast response with updates Self-help for developers Repeatable Tracking of versions Tracking of deployments Modular/Flexible Handles unique site requirements Handles unique project requirements Customizable Scalable Highly automated Supports addition of several sites per year, plus additional projects over 5 years Basic System Software Operating System Security… Server Definition Software Apache/Tomcat Globus… Application Software Gridsphere HID Mediator Scientific Applications… BIRN/Rocks Software Stack Custom BIRN Server
A BIRN Grid Portal/WebBIRN Rack GPOP GComp Nettools NAS MCAT DB Server Registry DB UMLS HID DB Mediator GAMA Server MyProxy Globus CAS HID What’s involved in a single grid? CVS, SVN & SRB Repos Testbeds Rocks Central & YUM Rolls: * RHEL4 * area51 * base * birn * birnafs * birncondor * birnportal * birnsrb * CentOS * condor * cvsserver * freesurfer * gama-naregi 1.0 * gama-naregi 4.1 * ganglia * grid * gridsphere * hardwareutils * hid * hpc * java * kernel * mediator * nagios * oracle * postgres * sciapps * sge * srb34 * tomcat * updates-CentOS * webserver 14 Rocks Rolls (-2 for OS) 17 Custom Rolls
Software Development & Integration Rocks/YUM Server Testbeds - update local CVS/SVN - update tarballs - update RPMs - new config/install BIRN-CC - large source into SRB - updates RPMs - Makefile - - * - updates XML (rare)
Software Deployment CVS Development Area -Integrate software for many diverse sources -Version control at system and sub-component levels -Rolling baseline -Integration and Functional Testing Staging Area -Verify interoperation of latest code -Support demonstration of latest development efforts without disruption to production -Functional system/Beta Testing Production Area - Stable - Reliable - Facilitates research Rocks Development Server Rocks Staging Server Rocks Production Server SRB
What we love? Repeatability All the web servers are the same All the database servers are the same Flexibility Mix & Match rolls Level of automation Experienced person can “kick” a server in 5 minutes IPs, hostnames, software configuration done Open Source Result: Not one grid - Many! Not one project - Many!
What drives us nuts? Turn around time for updates Steep learning curve RPM building not standard Build time large Software developers are not co- located with integrators Reinstalling to get updates is not an option Lack of advanced roll development training
More info? See the project website: vrowley_at_ucsd_dot_edu