Conquistadors came from Spain to conquer America Explain what is going on in this comic and why it is funny. This should take at least two sentences. Warm Up
Explorers Age of Contact: God, Gold, & Glory Texas History
Three things motivated explorers: God, Gold, and Glory
Columbus... Sailed the ocean blue in 1492 Landed in the Bahamas o He was actually hoping to find trade routes to Asia Started hunting for gold o he could keep some of for himself, rest went to the Spanish king and queen who paid for the trip Established a colony and sailed back to report his findings, eventually did four trips Columbus enslaved, tortured, or killed thousands of native people
Glory! Conquistadors - Spanish, derived from Latin conquirere "to search for": a leader in the Spanish conquest of America in the 16th century Conquistadors were looking for wealth and fame
Glory! Expedition-a journey or trip undertaken for a specific purpose (such as war or exploring) Conquistadors went on expeditions They were sent to conquer and claim the land and people for their country
Spanish heard there was gold in Texas from Natives Spain came to U.S. for gold Europe Then
God The Catholic Church supported the expeditions Why would the church do that?? to spread Christianity to Native Texans Gain wealth Paul III 1534 – 1549
Alonso Álvarez de Pineda Spanish explorer and cartogpher Spanish hoped for a passageway through Mexico to Asia Pineda mapped the Texas coastline in 1519 What he learned: o No passageway through Mexico to Asia o Florida is not an island, its a peninsula Map he drew of Texas coast!
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Left Spain on ship with crew of 600 to occupy North America Landed in Florida, began search for gold o Disease as well as Natives killed many men o Hiked about 300 miles and gave up on their gold hunt o 242 still alive -> meaning 358 died so far o Built ships to sail to Mexico
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Lost 204 at sea o Survivors landed Galveston (called it "Island of Doom") o Only 40 left alive -> Meaning 560 have now died Enslaved by Native Americans Four men survived to reach Mexico City Traveling with these four men de Vaca explored the interior of modern day Texas, first known to have done this
Gold Francisco Vasquez de Coronado sent to search for the Seven Cities of Gold They met a Native who told them of a city of gold he believed existed The expedition lasted almost one and a half years, making it to Wichita Kansas Found no gold
Conflict between France and Spain Sieur de LaSalle Given ships, colonists, and soldiers by the French King to start a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi mistakenly lands in Matagorda Bay Failed at establishing a colony but named it Fort St. Louis because of disease and attacks by native people Why do you think?
Conflict between France and Spain Sieur de LaSalle heads back home and is shot by his own men Spain finds the French in Texas and fears they are trying claim Texas o Spain renews its colonization effort
The "Chicken War" French soldiers were sent to capture a Spanish mission in East Texas France was not getting along with Spain French looted a mission and captured French soldiers Spanish were embarrassed o Spain more determined to hold on to Texas!
Why were the Spanish not interested in settling Texas? Why did the Spanish decide to colonize Texas? How did the French influence the settlement of Texas?
Questions? Why were the Spanish not interested in settling Texas? Why did the Spanish decide to colonize Texas? How did the French influence the settlement of Texas? Spain was very busy. They were fighting wars at home as well as managing significant colonies in Mexico. Also Texas did not appear to be particularly profitable. They were worried the French would take Texas through colonization, they wanted to make sure it stayed theirs.