Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation Questions and questionnaires
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation Look at the questions on the left below. Are they clear or not? What is your number? Do you have brown or blonde hair? What number? House? Telephone? How about redheads? Or people with no hair? Or dyed pink hair? Do you have any scars? There are lots of distinguishing marks, e.g. birth marks, tattoos. Where do you live? This could mean the town, or the area, or the street, or address. Where were you when the murder took place? How does the person know when the murder took place?
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation Information needed to solve the crime: Surname Forename House number Street Town Telephone number Hair colour Height Distinguishing marks Shoe size Alibi
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation Designing question responses What is your name? What colour hair do you have? (tick one) Brown Black Blonde Red/auburn Other (please specify)
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation What is your name? What colour hair do you have? (tick one) Brown Black Blonde Red/auburn Other (please specify) MarkJ o nes Designing question responses
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation Word-processed questionnaire
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation Spreadsheet questionnaire Why might a spreadsheet be a good way of designing a questionnaire?
Unit 7.5_Lesson 2_Resource 2b_Questions presentation End of presentation