Lab assignment 1. Part A: Where have you been? Using the maps provided, identify the places you have traveled. Write a brief description of the destinations and record a single story about one of your adventures in seeing the world. (this part of the assignment is so I can learn more about 'who you are'… )
…as of 2004
A ‘new’ destination… Geography is in large part understanding the ‘sense of place’… When you walk down a street in St.Petersburg, Dhaka or Hackleburg, what is different about this place than other places?
Understanding a place that you have never seen! So how does a person find about a place they have never seen? Before Al Gore invented the internet, travel books, national geographic magazine etc. provided the data… now we have the digital resources of cyberspace at our command… etc….etc…
So what do we ‘need’ to know What biological communities are present in the destination (biomes)? What is the climate of a place? How is a climograph read? What is the physiography of the place? ‘Relief map’ makes a good search term.
Writing up the exercise: 1. What is the question? Why does the document you are working with exist? What are the limits of the question? WHY? “What is Mongolia like?” or “What is the climate, the biological community and the physiography of Mongolia like?” 2. Where did your data to answer the questions come from? 3. What methods did you use to answer this question? –(data and methods are often combined in a single section)
Writing the report…contd. 4. Analysis and Conclusions This is the core of your write up. What are the answers to the questions? Present the data you found that answers the questions. Make sure and Reference the figures/photographs in the text! e.g. ‘the relief map of Central Asia (figure 1) shows that Mongolia is primarily a high elevation plateau” and make sure that figure 1 is indeed the relief map of central Asia!
The final part of the write up… The final part of the analysis and conclusion for these labs is your evaluation of the lab. –What did you learn? –What worked well? What did not work? –How might the lab be modified to help a student learn (more information, more efficiently, more effectively?)