Situation Report: The End of The Cold War
Your Incident Here After being assigned a topic, you will research and present its connection to the Cold War. These will take place Thursday. In a series of 7 to 10 slides you will give a briefing to the class on the background of your topic and the way it led to either the rise, destabilization or eventual fall of the Cold War.
Background Slides This slide is typed in 32 font, the default size for Power Point. Although this seems large, it allows for clearly readable text at moderate distances. In addition to its readability, this font allows for a significant amount of concise information to be put onto a single slide. If you were to run out of space, use another slide to finish off the thought.
Background Continued Do not stop short. One liners waste space. For this background to be complete, it must
Relevant Media Slides: Throughout Pictures must be time period correct! If you are using graphs and charts, be sure you find ones that are sized correctly. Find a multimedia source and embed it. It can be a video clip that has been hyperlinked, a radio broadcast etc.
One of these is from the correct time period, the other is not. Be sure that your photos are era appropriate.
Contributing Factors: Fall of Communism Describe how this connects to the growth of Cold War tensions, the conflicts between the USSR and US OR the fall of communism/ end of the Cold War These slides must show signs of research. This format compels you to read information and boil it down to a concise description. At this point, you should know what excellent effort looks like.
Contributing Factors Continued It is important that you give yourself adequate time to develop how this event affected both the USSR and the USA. One slide isn’t going to cover it. Likewise, one person working and the other one “finding pictures” isn’t going to work either. You are paired up so that you can each work simultaneously. No you are not going to work on it later, or in prep or at home. Note that the events aren’t in your lifetime, so your isn’t a valid source to check on as we work here. Do not get “booked”
Informants: The Sites Note the credible sites that you used here. Label your sites so that I have an idea of what you used and in what way. Both of these are the same link, the bottom one is how yours should look. publications/books-and-monographs/at-cold-wars-end-us-intelligence-on- the-soviet-union-and-eastern-europe /art-1.html CIA source: End of the Cold War Events
Grading This: 90 points 2 shall work for one grade. Your background = 30 points. Thorough, researched and original all should be in your mind as you type this portion. Connection= 30 points. Same as above. One word-ers or short, choppy sentences will not give a good connection. Develop ideas fully here. Visuals and Media = 20 points. Relevance and clarity Self Assessment of Effort = 10 points. I will watch you and you will rate yourself based on how well you know you can stay on the course of work and away from distractions. There are no points just for showing up. “doveryai, no proveryai”- This is how I will determine if your Self Assessment is correct. The more you work, the higher your grade. I can’t imagine a 7 slide presentation getting a 100%.