“Watts” the Cost? Learning Goal: We are learning to understand the difference between renewable and non-renewable ENERGY sources
Electricity is all around us… Electricity is the presence or flow of electrical charges Where does the electricity come from? KNOWWONDER
How is it created? Most of the electrical energy in Canada is made by converting kinetic energy (the energy of motion) into electrical energy. This is done with a device called a generator.
Canada’s energy comes from… Falling water Burning coal, oil and natural gas Breaking uranium atoms Environmentally Friendly? Most Expensive? Abundant? (A lot)
Renewable Energy Sources An energy source, such as moving water, that can be replaced or restocked within a human lifetime, or less
Non-renewable An energy source, such as fossil fuels and uranium, that cannot be replaced or restocked within a human lifetime, or longer
Time to investigate….. Your LAB group will need Question sheet Netbook (s) Chart paper and markers
Video: Alberta’s Oil Sands