Nanotechnology The concept of nanotechnology is defined as an art handling of tiny particles (1nm= m). The structures have different properties against the same chemical characteristics taken at the microscopic level
Important characteristics of Nanoparticles target specificity extreme encapsulations efficiency carry high concetrated drug zeta potential(surface charge) efficient drug release
Applications of nanotehnology Medicine: Drug development Cancer treatment Bone treatment Drug delivery Appetite control Drug development Medical tools Diagnostic tests Probing of DNA structure Separation and purification of biological molecules and cells Detection of proteins
Information technology:- Smaller, faster, more energy efficient and powerful computing and other IT- based systems Consumer goods: Foods and beverages:-Advanced packaging materials, sensors, and lab-on-chips for food quality testing. Appliances and textiles:-Stain proof, water proof and wrinkle free textiles Household and cosmetics:-Self- cleaning and scratch free products, paints, and better cosmetics
Nanomedicine Nanomedicine can be defined as the monitoring, repairing, construction and control of human biological systems at the cellular level by using material and structures engineered at the atomic or molecular level
Thermal ablation of cancer cells Nanoshells have metallic outer layer and silica core Selectively attracted to cancer shells either through a phenomena called enhanced permeation retention or due to some molecules coated on the shells The nanoshells are heated with an external energy source killing the cancer cells
Targeted drug delivery Nanoparticles containing drugs are coated with targeting agents (e.g. conjugated antibodies) The nanoparticles circulate through the blood vessels and reach the target cells Drugs are released directly into the targeted cells
Personal opinion I believe that any invention brings benefit doubly so as nanotechnology helps to healing of diseases Although there are numerous risks, we must be open to what is new and to understand what researchers want to say about this technology.