THE GOSPEL OF JOHN IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1–16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 1. The Prelude to the Betrayal (13:1-2) 2. The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet (13:3-17) 3. The Exposure of the Betrayal (13:18-30)
4. The Glorifying of Christ (13:31-38) a. Jesus’ Glory (vv ) b. Jesus’ Commandment (vv ) c. Peter’s Boast (vv ) a. Jesus’ Glory (vv ) Read Jn 13:31. With the dismissal of Judas, the realization of this plan in history has reached another decisive stage.
“Now is the Son of Man glorified.” As troubling as that was, this was also the hour for the Son of Man to be glorified. ~ D.A. Carson: “Even in the Prologue, the glorification of the incarnate Word occurs not in a spectacular display of blinding light but in the matrix of human existence (1:14). Now, bringing to a climax a theme developed throughout this Gospel,
the Evangelist makes it clear that the self-disclosure, the greatest moment of displayed glory, was in the shame of the cross. That is the primary reason why the title Son of Man is employed here. Outside the New Testament, the title is associated with glory; within the Synoptics, the title is as frequently associated with suffering. In John, the two are dramatically brought together.”
William Hendricksen: “When Jesus dismissed Judas with the words, [‘What you do, do quickly.’] He thereby again decisively manifested His willingness to enter the deep waters and the dark night of eternal death for his own.” ~ This shows that the Son desired to be obedient to the will of the Father, and that He desired to make manifest His glorious love to the elect by suffering and dying for them.
The Lord, in the act of dismissing Judas, reflects glory on Himself; for in doing this He allows the storm, not of rain but of wrath, to descend upon Himself, while He shelters His own. ~ This was His glory. There is another possible reason for Christ to say this at this point. ~ Christ knew how weak-minded the disciples were, and He wanted to support them in every possible way, so that they might not fail.
~ Christ therefore precludes this danger and focuses them from the external aspect of His death and points to its spiritual fruit. “… and God is glorified in Him.” This clause is added for confirmation. ~ And due to the infinite closeness existing between the Sender and the One Sent (cf. Jn 10:30), God was glorified in Him.
~ Whenever we think of Christ’s suffering, we never know what to admire most: whether it be the voluntary self-surrender of “the Son” to such a death for such people, or the willingness of “the Father” to give up such a Son to such a death for such people. IN THE CROSS OF CHRIST, THE INCOMPARABLE GOODNESS OF GOD IS SET BEFORE THE WHOLE WORLD.
~ In truth, God’s glory shines in all creatures high and low, but never more brightly than in the cross, in which there was a wonderful transformation of things. As Judas was on his way to betray Jesus into the hands of those who would crucify Him, Jesus looked past the cross to His glorification at the resurrection.
~ He anticipated how His resurrection would bring about His spiritual union with the disciples. This is the key to interpreting the following discourse (13:31–17:26). ~ In Bible times, the “glory” of something was not only in its appearance but also in what it would accomplish, in its purpose.
~ Thus to “glorify” means to exalt by completing the task, or to express the essential nature of something by bringing it to fruition. ~ The scope and wonder of God’s marvelous plan of salvation will only be apparent with Jesus’ death and resurrection.