POTDEcology1/22/15 #1 – Explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Vocab - benevolent
POTDEcology1/23/15 #2 – How do humans affect the Earth’s renewable resources? Vocab - Circuitous
POTDEcology1/26/15 #3 – Why should we be concerned about the Earth’s supply of nonrenewable resources? Vocab - inaugurate
POTDEcology1/28/15 #4 – What are the negative effects of obtaining fossil fuels? Vocab - Zealot
POTDEcology2/3/15 #5 – What are the major types of coal found in PA? What is it used for? Vocab - Provocative
POTDEcology2/6/15 #6 – What advantages do alternative energy resources have over fossil fuels? Vocab - Impetuous
POTDEcology2/10/15 #7 – Which future energy source seems the best replacement for oil? Vocab - rancorous
POTDEcology2/12/15 #8 – Which type of power plant would you be the most opposed to in your “backyard?” Why? Vocab - debilitate