Language: Why is it important?: embedded embedded A system of words and rules for combining words to communicate thoughts and feelings uRWCs
Components of language: Phonemes Basic, smallest units of sound Individual sounds that letters make Most languages have English has about 40
Components of language: Morphemes Smallest unit of language with meaning Can be words, prefixes, suffixes and compound words language.html
Would you go in the correct door?
Grammar Rules for the combination and use of words Syntax = combo of words to form phrases & sentences Semantics = rules that govern the meaning of words & sentences Proposed by Chomsky in the 1960s: Surface Structure = the order of words in a sentence Deep Structure = a representation of underlying meanings in sentences See handout 8.15
Development of Language Stages of development Cooing Babbling Single word stage Two-word stage “telegraphic” Year 3…complex sentences
Learning Theory Conditioning & imitation Focuses on the role of modeling and rewards
Biological Basis Theory Chomsky’s theory of innate language acquisition Genetic predisposition to develop language Eric Lenneberg’s Critical Period Hypothesis States that there is a sensitive (critical) period for language development when learning a language is easier
Language Development Secret of the Wild Child Full video Shorter version