MEDENER The Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation Skill, capacity and institution building for policy implementation : the role of twinning programs and projects 6 th of November 2012 François GREAUME Head of International Coordination Unit –International Affairs Division ADEME, French Environment and Energy Management Agency PRESIDENCY
Non-profit international Energy association, created in 12 National Agencies from mediterranean countries: 5 from North, 7 from South CIST_30/11/ Rotating presidency: 2010/2012 ADEREE (Morocco) 2012/2014 ADEME (France) Ressources: - Members contributions - Expertise & Services - Technical Assistance support The MEDENER Network
The MEDENER Network (2/3) MEDENER 3 ADEME, Agency for Environment and Energy Management, France ADEREE, National Agency for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency Development, Morocco ADENE, Energy Agency, Portugal APRUE, National Agency for the Promotion and the Rationalization of the use of Energy, Algeria ALMEE, Lebanese Association for Energy Management and Environment, Lebanon ANME, National Agency for Energy Management, Tunisia ENEA, National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Italy NERC, National Energy Research Center, Jordan CRES, Center for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, Greece IDAE, Institute for Diversification and Energy Savings, Spain NERC, National Energy Research Center, Syria PEC, Palestinian Energy and Environment Research Center, Palestinian Authorities
The MEDENER Network (3/3) 4 Fields of activities Rational use of Energy and Energy efficiency in all economic sectors Development of renewable energy sources Environment protection linked to energy issuesObjectives a referent Organisation in the field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy To be a referent Organisation in the field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at regional level share To share know-how, good practices and experiences between Members & PartnersAsset Implementing National Agencies Implementing National Agencies in the field of EE & RE public policies A Network of Experts and Capacities
MEDENER Value-added Advising & implementing RE & EE Public policies Institutional & legislative framework National EE and RE Action plan MEDENER 5 Example of publications : Example of publications : Overview of policies and good energy efficiency practices in the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries
Ability to develop « emblematic programmes » in EE & RE sectors National / international sources of funding Impact on local employement and on technology transfert From Pilot projects to dissemination programmes From Designing to Monitoring & Assessement Example of observatories : Example of observatories : Dissemination of solar water heating in Tunisia – PROSOL Programme (ANME) > m2 installed, next step Financial Partners : GEF, Cooperation, National funding, private investors Demonstration projects Training, Skills, Qualification of installers & Certification Standards for equipments Local Industry MEDENER 6 MEDENER Value-added
Study and analysis competencies to implement energy conservation observatories Common methodologies Indicators, Assessment of EE & RE potential, Forecast to implementation of public policies Example of observatory : Example of observatory : National and regional had hoc data bases gathering Medener countries Comparable indicators using the ODYSSEE methodology ( EU template) National and regional reporting on energy efficiency trends to perform benchmark analysis Next workshop between Agencies in november 2012 MEDENER 7 MEDENER Value-added National macro data base per countries Non energy uses not included Energy Intensity caclculated GDP without fossil fuels Données Temporaires Septembre 2012
Linking Public – Private stakeholders Gathering public and private actors aroud thematic projects : decision makers, investors, financing institutions and energy companies Training platform for professionnals ( SWH, PV, building...) Certification process ( installers, auditors,...) Developpment of test and standardisation scheme for EE & RE equipments, appliances etc... Example of thematic projects with different actors Solar promotion « Guarantee of Solar Results » in all MEDENER’S countries Design & implementaion of new energy label for fridge Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco Urban energy & environment project, on several themes Waste ( palestine& turkey) Transport ( Morocco, Algeria, Lebabon) Public Lighting MEDENER 8 MEDENER Value-added
Disseminating information National level ( awareness campaign, trade fairs, etc..) Regional level through MEDENER Network and others partnerships Organisation of events Example of promotion : Publications Website collaborative platform MEDENER 9 MEDENER Value-added
MEDENER and Agencies: a central position in the EE & RE policies implementation Agencies objectives are consistent with MSP objectives Expertise exists at national level in EE & RE public bodies However, a need for strengthening the implementation of national EE & ER public policies A STEP FOR ACTION to reinforce the agencies with tools such as collaborative programs, twinnings… MEDENER 10
Thank you for your attention MEDENER 11