to be College and Career Ready
You are at a time in your life to begin thinking about and planning for high school and your future beyond high school. You may seriously consider higher education, especially if your career goals require additional training.
WHERE DO YOU START? Start by doing a personal inventory on CFNC to explore: Your interests Your personal values Your talents/skills Your work values
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS What activities do you enjoy at school? What activities do you enjoy outside of school? What classes or subjects do you most enjoy?
EXPLORE CAREER OPTIONS Who am I and what career is best for me? You are the only person who can answer these questions. You have the power to design your career.
EXPLORE CAREER OPTIONS –There are hundreds of jobs and career possibilities. –Explore as many as you can. – is a great resource. Ask your counselor about other resources. –Volunteer, job shadow and interview people to find out about careers, too.
Hmmmm…which ONE is for me?
CMS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 4 credits in English 4 credits in Math 3 credits in Science 4 credits in Social Studies 1 credit in Health & PE 8 electives (2 of the elective credits must be in CTE, Arts Education, and/or World Language) 24 Credits Total
CMS Graduation Project CPR Certification – accomplished in CMS by passing HPE in 8 th grade ADDITIONAL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
9 th Grade ENGLISH Options English I English I Honors+ Foundations of English
9 th Grade SCIENCE Options Biology Honors– student needs to be a good reader and score Level 3 or Level 4. This is a challenging course involving lots of reading. Suggested for students who are in Math II or higher math. Earth/Environmental Honors Earth/Environmental – appropriate for students who are in Math I or other math below Math II (can be honors depending on school)
9 th Grade SOCIAL STUDIES Options World History World History Honors+ World History IBMYP+
MATH REQUIREMENTS In order to graduate, all students must take: Math I, Math II and Math III plus 4 th math aligned with post-secondary goals
Math Course Sequencing Options (Note: Other options are possible) 8 th Grade 9 th Grade 10 th Grade 11 th Grade 12 th Grade Math I Math II HonorsMath III HonorsPre-CalculusAP Calculus or AP Statistics Math I 8th grade scale score greater than 454 Math IIMath IIIAFM Foundations of Math I and Math I Foundations of Math II and Math II Math IIIAFM Foundations of Math I and Math I Foundations of Math II and Math II Foundations of Math III and Math III AFM
HEALTH & PE REQUIREMENT {typically taken in 9 th grade} Health and Physical Education 1 credit required CPR certification also required (In CMS, this requirement is usually met in Grade 8.)
WORLD LANGUAGE COURSES {at least 2 years of the same language are required by most 4-year colleges } French I Spanish I German I Latin I French II Spanish II German II
Which are offered?? South Meck offers French, Spanish and German. They have the World Language Magnet program that also offers Japanese. Ardrey Kell offers Spanish, French and Latin.
What about ELECTIVES?? 8 are required Choose elective courses based on interests, career goals, and post- secondary plans. ALSO Choose courses for rigor and in-depth study. Remember, 2 of the electives must be CTE, Arts, and/or World Languages.
Selecting your Courses Choose electives that fit your career choice and interests. Choose courses that will prepare you for college and increase your chances of being accepted. Choose the most rigorous classes that you can successfully handle.
WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW? College readiness… readiness…..course selection….grades…. GPA…athletic eligibility….. schedule changes….
HOW TO GET INTO COLLEGE You are advised to take several advanced courses which include honors and/or AP or IB courses. Two years of a world language are required (three years are recommended). You must maintain good grades. Always do your best! Involvement in extra-curricular activities increases your competitiveness for being admitted to colleges. Colleges and post-secondary schools look for well- rounded students with competitive Grade Point Averages (GPAs) and strong SAT/ACT test scores. Seek guidance from your school counselor.
Your Grades are Important!! Work hard to earn the best grades possible. Know your GPA throughout high school beginning in Grade 9. Develop good study habits. Seek help when needed. Strong grades will make you competitive for scholarships.
STANDARDHONORS ( WEIGHTED) AP/IB ( WEIGHTED) A = 4A = 5A = 6 B = 3B = 4B = 5 C = 2C = 3C = 4 D = 1D = 2D = 3 F = 0 CALCULATING YOUR GPA
DROPPING CLASSES It is very difficult to have your schedule changed in high school. High schools WILL NOT make a student requested change after 10 days of school on a 4 X 4 schedule. Carefully select your classes so that you will not need a schedule change.
TO PLAY SPORTS Athletic eligibility requirements include: 2.0 or better GPA the 2 nd semester of your 8 th grade year; 75% pass rate of classes 2 nd semester of 8 th grade year; 85% school attendance 2 nd semester of 8 th grade year (cannot miss more than 13 days in a semester) Refer to the CMS website for ALL eligibility requirements.
REMEMBER…… next year is your Freshman year of high school and will represent 25% of your high school credits. Plan now to succeed!!
Future Ready This is your future. Plan it carefully! Seek help and advice from your: School Counselors Career Development Coordinators Teachers Parents
STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS REMINDERS Assess your skills and interests and…. Research careers and colleges and…. Confer with your parents, counselor, and teachers and…. Select courses wisely. Work hard! Be College and Career Ready