Creating a Comic Book
Before We Begin… I would like to address a few things. 1. I have only taught for one year, and therefore do not have a lot of experiences to share with you about how I implemented writing in my classroom.
2. My whole reason for being part of this project was to find new and exciting ways to spice up my Writer’s Workshop, rather than doing the same ole’ thing all of the time.
3. This is a new idea, and something I have not tried before with my kindergarteners. I thought it would be a neat, fun way to write and give students something they could possibly keep forever.
4. Please “bear” with me, but keep in mind that as a new teacher, any and all feedback is much appreciated!
Lesson Plan Read a Comic Book Give students time to practice with word bubbles. Sort various heroes for math time to familiarize them with some.
Lesson Plan Introduce the idea of making your own comic book. Let students peruse some comic books. Spend 1 day on each page of the book.
Play me!
Day 1 of Comic Book- Character Brainstorm ideas for your hero. You need to come up with what he/she will look like, the costume, and your hero’s name. Explain copyright laws/why you have to make up your own hero. Illustrate on cover page.
Day 2 of Comic Book-Character Development Now you need to come up with some powers for your hero. Explain what they might be, and illustrate. Example: WuShock can fly along with the wind currents, burst seeds everywhere to confuse his enemies, and make whole wheat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a snap of his fingers.
Day 3 of Comic Book- Setting Where does your hero live? In a town, in the country, in space, under water? Explain where he lives and illustrate. Ex: WuShock lives in Wichita, Kansas and works at WSU as the mascot for those mighty Shockers.
Day 4 of Comic Book- Conflict Think of an enemy that will threaten your hero. How is your hero threatened? What is the problem? Ex: Heat Wave is setting wheat fields on fire all over the place.
Day 5 of Comic Book-Conflict Resolution Begin by making a web of how problems have been solved in stories we know. How does the hero fix the problem? Ex: The Little Red Hen, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, or other stories you have read/discussed in class thus far.
Conflict Resolution The Little Red Hen The 3 Billy Goats Gruff The Very Hungry Caterpillar Little Red Riding Hood
Conflict Resolution The Little Red Hen The Little Red Hen did not share her bread with the other animals because they did not help her with any of the work. The 3 Billy Goats Gruff The goats knocked the troll off the bridge and were able to cross happily whenever they wanted. The Very Hungry Caterpillar The caterpillar ate a lot of food and grew enough to make a cocoon and turn into a butterfly. Little Red Riding Hood Red Riding Hood escaped from the wolf, a huntsman killed the wolf and saved the grandmother.
Day 5 of Comic Book-Conflict Resolution How does your hero fix the problem? Ex: WuShock enlists aide from penguins and a goat to consume Heat Wave and end his reign of fire.
Final Grade Read students’ comic book to the class. We will then discuss the elements on the rubric in relation to the comic as a whole class.
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