Day 5: Evolution
Traveled on the Beagle to the Galapagos Islands Studied 13 species of finches on the islands Hypothesized that all originated from 1 ancestor Explained his theory of NATURAL SELECTION Published in On the Origin of Species Influenced by Lyell and Wallace Strayed from Lamarck’s “inherited traits” theory
Survival of the Fittest Fit = best adapted to environment for survival Mice will display gray coloring rather than white
Adaptations Changes in response to the environment and becomes a new species Required to survive in the changing world Reproductive Isolation A species is separated and becomes two separate species
Speciation Creation of a new species A species can mate and produce viable offspring Extinction A species ceases to exist Can occur gradually (rainforest plants) or as a mass extinction (dinosaurs) Biodiversity Number of different species/organisms Biodiversity inside a classroom is much lower than the biodiversity outside Inside: humans, insects Outside: humans, insects, plants, animals, etc.
Gene Pool Genes available for reproducing Gene Flow Introducing genes from one gene pool into another gene pool
Gradualism Punctuated Equilibrium
Radioisotope Dating Provides EXACT age of fossils Uses the half-lifes of radioactive isotopes (Carbon-14) Relative Dating Provides APPROXIMATE age of fossils Generally, older fossils are found in rock layers beneath younger fossils
Analogous Structures Vestigial Structures Used by common ancestor but no longer necessary Homologous Structures
Stabilizing Selection Selects for the central trait Directional Selection Selects for one extreme trait Disruptive Selection Selects for both extreme traits
Variations exists within populations. Organisms compete for limited natural resources. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. Individuals with variations suitable for their habitat survive and reproduce.
Natural selection allows for the resistant bacteria and pests to survive and reproduce offspring that are also resistant Antibiotic resistance The overuse of antibiotics leads to “superbugs” Pesticide resistance Farmers must increase the use of pesticides on crops as pests become immune/resistant to doses