Stewart Nicks School Learning Improvement Plan Goals
Goal # 1: To improve achievement for all students in Literacy – NonFiction Reading By June 2014, 100% of Stewart Nicks School students on regular programming will be meeting or exceeding expectations on PVSD benchmark reading assessments - Fountas & Pinnell for grades 1-8 in the area of non-fiction comprehension. Additionally, Stewart Nicks School students on IIPs will demonstrate minimum of one level of growth in the student- specific reading goal. Baseline Data: Year End Data (Fountas and Pinnell) Percentages of students ‘Meeting’ or ‘Exceeding’ grade level expectations on their choice of either Fiction or NonFiction TargetBelow -1 Level At Target 1+ Levels 2+ Levels Grade 1G0% 33%67%45% Grade 2L20%10%20%60%50% Grade 3O30.70%7.70% 61.50% Grade 4R27.30%18.20%0%72.70%63.60% Grade 5T23.50%12.50%23.50%47.10%35.30% Grade 6V37.50%12.50% 50% Grade 7X37.50%12.50%6.30%56.30%31.30% Grade 8Y41.70%16.70%0%58.30% N/A
By June 2015, 100% of students in Stewart Nicks School in grades 3 to 8 will achieve an overall score at the proficient level (3) or better when responding in writing to non-fiction text as measured by PVSD standards on RAD or OCA. By June 2015, 100% of students in Stewart Nicks School in grades k to 2 will achieve at the proficient level or better at responding orally or as a cooperative group to non-fiction text according to a teacher created/located rubric. Goal # 2: To improve achievement for all students in Literacy – Written Response to Non-Fiction Literature NOTE: there is currently no division or Ministry assessment in this area for grades 1 to 5, so the school staff will be locating or creating one.
By June 2014, 100% of Stewart Nicks School students in Kindergarten through Grade 8, will participate in a range of curricular activities and programs to increase their exposure to aesthetic experiences beyond that provided in the “regular” classroom setting and as measured by the number and duration of different events throughout the school year. Various activities, resources, workshops and other opportunities will be provided so that all students will experience different art forms rather than simply observing. Goal #3 To improve achievement for all students in attitude and behaviour - increasing engagement in own learning and improving connections between student, school and home.
Let’s Have a Great Year!