Chapter 1 Michigan Geography Vocabulary: Glaciers (places formed by glaciers…Sleeping Bear Dunes) Volcanoes (places formed by volcanoes..UP mountain peaks) Ecosystems(forests, ponds, marshes, fresh water lakes) Boundary (Bordering states to Michigan) Peninsula (UP LP) Drumlin(located in southeast MI) Strait (narrow channel of water connecting two large bodies of water) Map Skills: Locate these terms on a map of Michigan
Resources Glacier Video Clip on United Streaming: America's Heartland: Waterways at Work (01:27) America's Heartland: Influences of Time on Terrain (01:25) America's Heartland: Waterways at Work America's Heartland: Influences of Time on Terrain Web Sites: (ponds and lakes) 3.html (forests) html (marshes and ponds)
Extending Learning Follow Up Activity: Cause and Effect (Transparency 10) This will help make sure students understand the vocabulary terms and how they affected Michigan’s geography.
Michigan’s Ecosystems Fresh Water Ponds Forests Marshes
Describe your Ecosystem List the living and nonliving things? How are people, plants and animals interacting with each other in the ecosystem? What is the impact of humans in your ecosystem? How do people protect and/or harm your ecosystem? Draw and label your ecosystem.
Writing Reflection Moodle Forum (Q and A): 1. Name 3 ways people might harm a Michigan Ecosystem (fresh water, ponds, forests, marshes) 2.Give one suggestion on how people can protect our Michigan Ecosystems.
Culminating Review Use Comprehension Questions from page 40 Option #1: Postcard Summary of Regions: Name the Great Lakes Directions from different parts of the US Climate in January and July, describe lake effect weather in winter and summer. Ecosystems and animals they may encounter U.P. Natural resources Products grown in Michigan When you come to Michigan it is shaped like a Mitten because….. Ex. Bring what to wear in January, bring a camera to catch pics of the deer.
Culminating Review Use Comprehension Questions from page 40 Option#2: Tourism commercial: Interview with a panel of “experts” on Michigan (Maria the meteorologist, Mary the Farmer, Mike the Miner, Greg the Grocer, and Steve the Store Owner) Name the Great Lakes Directions from different parts of the US Climate in January and July, describe lake effect weather in winter and summer. Ecosystems and animals they may encounter U.P. Natural resources Products grown in Michigan When you come to Michigan it is shaped like a Mitten because…..
Posting Options Post the culminating postcards on a wiki, blog, or moodle site. Include an audacity recording of the Tourism Commercial on a wiki, blog, or moodle site. Create the postcard or Tourism commercial in Photo Story and post online as a video. Share your work with another !gnite! class or a class outside of the district/state/country.