Welcome to the Year 6 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Meeting
The Year 6 Teaching Team Simon Pike (Assistant Head – Upper School) Sheena Osbourne (Assistant Head – SENCO) Zuzu Zugaid (Year Leader – 6NZ) Andy Stokes (6AS) Nick Bateman (6NB) JJ Davies (6JD) Jo Mack (6JM) Jo Fazzino– Teaching Assistant Tracy Morgan– Teaching Assistant Margaret Teale Teaching Assistant Mrs Ravuru - Teaching Assistant Lindsay Madina- Teaching Assistant Angela Innes - Teaching Assistant
What will we be teaching? English Mathematics Science Computing Religious Education History & Geography French Music Art & Design Technology PE, Games PSHE TOPICS: Autumn – Spring – Summer –
Pupil Planners Need to be in school everyday. Parents to sign it once a week to acknowledge homework has been set and any messages seen. Can be used to communicate with class teacher. Class teacher checks and signs on a weekly basis.
Homework written down Any messages or comments about homework Signature
Children’s maths target practice here Or A parent comment saying that target has been practised verbally.
Homework All H/W will be set on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday. Approximate time spent – 30 minutes per piece of homework. All homework to be completed to the standard expected in class. Topic and Targets set each Tuesday. One week will be spelling targets and the next will be maths targets. All H/W to be completed in a H/W book and maths targets in pupil planners.
Reading Children are expected to read a minimum of 4 times a week. Reading record to be used to log reading. Once a week children to complete a short activity in their book about what they are reading. Parent to sign the reading record each week to acknowledge that reading has been done.
Reading Date Book Title Pages read Parent signature Reading activity
Reading Date Book Title Pages read Parent signature Reading activity
Key Dates Week beginning 28 th September – Bikeability (2) Wednesday 30th September – Individual photographs Friday 6 th November – Firework Night Wednesday 18 th November – Lower School Pizza Lunch Saturday 5 th December – Christmas Fayre Thursday 10 th December – School Disco Further away … Week beginning Monday 9 th May – SAT’s Week Week beginning Monday 16 th May – Year 6 Residential
Year 6 Residential
Uniform *No jewellery except for a wrist watch and one pair of stud ear-rings *Ear-rings to be taken out for PE and Games *Hair tied back *Games kit to include trainers *Tracksuit for colder weather *PE kit to be in school the whole week *Correct shoes – black *Cardigans and sweatshirts can be worn *Named please!
Absence Phone call on first morning of absence. Emergency Contact Numbers – up to date. If a child is well enough to attend school then he/she is well enough to participate in PE, Games & Swimming, unless a written note is provided.
How can you help? Homework Reading Encouraging independence & organisation Concerns and worries – face to face, pupil planner, phone, In school – parent helpers Forest Schools Times tables Helping and supporting with targets Tell your child’s teacher about any concerns.
Thank you for coming. It would be great to meet you to say hello.