41 slides Fun with FCC part 15 Home speaker system on (and that’s not easy in the NYC/PHL area)
41 slides Emulating large intranets with honeyd Bill Cheswick
41 slides This talk was going to be boring…
41 slides Another Reason Why I Like the Window Seat Bill Cheswick
41 slides Mapping the Internet and Intranets Steve Branigan, Hal Burch, Bill Cheswick
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 6 of 41
41 slides How To Take the Internet Down for a week Bill Cheswick
41 slides Our digital house By Kestrel, Terence, Lorette, and Bill Cheswick
41 slides Emulating large intranets with honeyd Bill Cheswick
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Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 11 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 12 of 41 Free at last! Nagata Varley Etc.
41 slides Anything large enough to be called an “intranet” is out of control
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 14 of 41 Lumeta Spun off from Bell Labs in Sept B round funding last June Building a hang glider…
41 slides Inside the Kimono…
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Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 17 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 18 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 19 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 20 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 21 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 22 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 23 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 24 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 25 of 41
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 26 of 41 Some intranet statistics from Lumeta clients
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 27 of 41 But how do we debug our software? We used to use Lucent’s network back when I was working at Bell Labs We have a very light touch on our clients’ networks, and they like it that way The Bank of Zork (NASDAQ: BOZO) doesn’t want us practicing on their network
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 28 of 41 Simulation vs emulation Simulators run packet flows over imaginary networks Often run to test routing and queuing algorithms Emulator wants to appear to be the network
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 29 of 41 What does a chief scientist do? Primarily a prima donna Certainly not in development – Travel too much to keep deadline promises – Never was good at all-nighters Find a project that would be nice, but nobody is waiting for QA was a fine place to look
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 30 of 41 Honeyd Written by Niels Provos at citi.umich.edu Name unrelated to, and vexes, Peter Honeyman, also of citi.umich.edu Designed to emulate one or more computers in a single host to lure and confuse hackers Responds using nmap and other host fingerprinting databases User scripts available to emulate specific web and other network server software
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 31 of 41 Honeyd Designed to emulate one or more computers in a single host to lure and confuse hackers User scripts available to emulate specific web and other network server software – Microsoft IIS web server – A number of text-based services are emulated in available scripts
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 32 of 41 Honeyd Host fingerprint identification based on probe databases – Nmap – xprobe
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 33 of 41 My Honeyd project Make honeyd configuration scripts that build our clients’ networks from the data we obtain Add UDP servers for – DNS (name service) – SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 34 of 41 Uses Perfect test network for QA – Unchanging….diff the pages – Build pathological network configurations Training Sales demos Could this be a product?
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 35 of 41 My honeyd scripts Generates entire network description for honeyd based on our client data You want a 50,000 node network based on real data? No problem. 300,000 nodes? OK DNS emulates name server lookups Routers respond with SNMP data
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 36 of 41 How good is the emulation? Handles pings and traceroutes with no problem Handles “stealth hosts”, routers that don’t issue TTL exceeded messages Even does a fair job of simulating latencies Emulator for SNMP and DNS queries This is good enough for us: we don’t collect other data at present Real networks change as you test them.
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 37 of 41 Real
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 38 of 41 Simulated
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 39 of 41 Certainly not perfect There isn’t nearly as much state in our network emulation as there is in a real network CPU time becomes an issue, and the emulator is not efficient at the moment – Moore’s law is a big help here Host fingerprinting could make the network much more convincing – We are working on it – Could just fake it
Mapping the Internet and intranets slide 40 of 41 Future work Many incremental improvements to network simulations Honeyd performance improvements Might release a large cleansed network configuration for research purposes
41 slides Emulating large intranets with honeyd Bill Cheswick