Joseph Stalin
Stalin’s Birth Gori, Georgia December 21, 1879 Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili Father was a shoemaker Mother was a housekeeper
Joseph’s Father An abusive alcoholic Left family to work in Tiflis, Georgia when Joseph was 5 Died in 1890
Stalin’s Mother Yekaterina Deeply religious Wanted Joseph to be a priest Worked hard to pay for Joseph’s school
Childhood Father abused Joseph After his father left, Joseph and Yekaterina lived with a priest Enrolled in Orthodox parochial school in 1888.
Stalin as a Priest 1894 got scholarship to seminary Got highest marks on behavior and grades In his fourth year, he joined Mesame Dasi Expelled from seminary
Revolutionary Apprentice Joined Social Democratic Party in 1901 Did full-time revolutionary work 1905 Served as party organizer Met Lenin at conference in Finland
Exile December 1911 Stalin was exiled to Vologda. January 1912 broke away from party and met in Prague Lenin co-opted Stalin into government March 1912 Stalin escaped from exile and went to St. Petersburg
Return to Exile 1913 Stalin and Lenin met in Vienna to write Marxism and the National Problem March 7, 1913 After he returned to St. Petersburg, Stalin was arrested. While in Siberia, he changed his name to Stalin (man of steel)
Czar Loses Power The Czar’s abdication on March 15, 1917 led to great social and political chaos Stalin and Lenin agreed that they should overthrow the temporary Russian government Both urged seizure of power at party debates, but neither had a role in organizing the insurrection itself
Early Soviet Regime Held cabinet post of commissar for nationalities for the next five years Served in different positions during the civil war Acting inspector general of the Red Army and as a political commissar He initiated the brutal reconquest of independent Georgia.
Stalin Gains Power Lenin died in Stalin got rid of Trotsky 1926 ousted Kamenev and Zinviev Got rid of the rest of the cabinet 1928 Almost had total control
Stalin’s Politics Deportation and execution of kulaks Forced entrance of peasants into collective farms Nationalization of all industry and commerce Execution and deportation of those who opposed his plans
Stalin’s Dictatorship Dissatisfaction may have led to secret plot to replace Stalin with Sergei Kirov December 1934 Kirov was murdered Stalin executed almost entire political and military elite Millions of Soviet citizens were forced into labor camps
World War II Stalin took comand of Soviet forces Ordered brilliant counter- offensives at Moscow, Stalingrad, and Kursk. Arranged for lend-lease from the Western Powers
Post-War USSR Stalin almost completely restored the pre-war system Molded occupied countries in the Stalinist image and placed under Moscow’s control
Stalin’s End 1952 Stalin began preparing for old leadership ways He met with stout resistance Before he could begin his “old ways”, Stalin died of a brain hemorrhage on March 5, 1953, in Moscow