Do Now: What were some of the reasons why Nicholas II lost support from the people of Russia? Homework: Russia in Crisis worksheet- complete for Monday
Czar- Ruler with the same rank as a Roman Emperor
Nicholas II (ruled )
Duma- governmental institution This system was created during the reign of the last czar Nicholas II.
Nicholas II married Alexandra (granddaughter to Queen Victoria of Great Britain) Questionable German descent
Together they had 5 kids, but one son Alexel- who was a hemophiliac
Grigori Rasputin- "Mad Monk"
Faith Healer Rasputin was able to heal or what they thought was to heal Alexel. The czar & czarina called him a god. Rasputin was able to gain political power while not as much as people now believe.
Unrest for Rasputin Grows….. People in Russia, royal family included did not understand why the czar and czarina have Rasputin so much power. Prince Felix Yusupov & others carry out Rasputin’s murder.
Murder… Rasputin was poisoned. Then was shot through the back with a revolver. Still not dead he was shot three more times. Now on the ground trying to get up, he is clubbed to death (with unknown objects) His body is then wrapped in a carpet and thrown into the Neva River- While in the river he is able to break through the carpet but drowns which is the cause of his death.
Tensions with Duma rise Nicholas II had problems with Duma. As 1917 approached more socialists and revolutionaries kept winning seats in the Duma. Revolution was now entering the government.
Russia Presence in WWI WWI was a losing battle; more-so when Nicholas II went to the front lines to lead the military. Food shortages Wage freezes- massive strikes Russian army suffered terrible losses due to outdated equipment & poor leadership.
Nicholas Begins to lose Support 1 Duma & Nicholas didn’t get along. 2 Rasputin’s influence 3 Alexandra’s German Descent 4 WWI 5 Lenin’s Supporters & Revolution
Lenin = Bolsheviks Marxist Revolutionary Leader of the Bolsheviks= leader of the Russian Labor Group
2 exiles Exile 1 1895 Plotting against Alexander III Arrested exiled to Serbia. During unrest in Russia Lenin was gaining support throughout Europe. Exile 2 1907 bank robbery Who or what country do you think would bring Lenin back to Russia? Why would this country care to do so? Explain.
Germany Lenin remained in Switzerland Lenin Returned with Revolution at hand.
Revolutionaries wanted Royal Family dead. 1 imprisoned. 2 March 1918 Military rations 3 Yekaterinburg, family was told to dress and go downstairs (along with servants) a firing squad was waiting.
7 Communist soldiers 3 local Bolsheviks Yakov Yurovsky Family was sentenced to death- firing squad was brought into the basement.
Rumors Nicholas II died during first round of shooting. Family survived, was then stabbed by bayonets then a second round of shooting. This time close range & to the head.
News is released. 2 days later July 19 th (around) news came out that he Czar had been murdered, not family. Did the order come directly from Lenin????
Wrap up Could Nicholas II have helped his country anymore then he did? Explain. What the revolution avoidable? Explain. Did the Revolutionaries allow Nicholas enough time to turn things around once he withdrew Russia from WWI? Explain. Do you think that the punishment for Nicholas II and his family was just? Explain.