CHAPTER 15, SECTIONS 2 & 3 Dictatorships in Italy, Germany and Russia.


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Presentation transcript:

CHAPTER 15, SECTIONS 2 & 3 Dictatorships in Italy, Germany and Russia

Benito Mussolini

Black Shirts

Weimar Republic

German Money

Adolph Hitler

“Mein Kampf”


Ghettos and Star of David

Concentration Camps

Rome-Berlin Axis

CHAPTER 15, SECTION 2 Dictatorship in the U.S.S.R

Russia Under Lenin In 1922, Communist leaders renamed Russia  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R) Divided into 15 separate political republics

Lenin New Economic Policy (NEP)  Heavy industry remained under government control  NEP allowed some free enterprise

Soviet Agriculture Government pushed “collective farms”  Land pooled into large farms  People worked together to farm the land  Peasants could share what little farm equipment was available

Collective Farming

Women’s Roles Communists claimed men and women would be equal They were given some rights 1. Equal Pay 2. Time off to take care of newborn children 1. Made it easier to obtain a divorce  Divorce rate skyrocketed

Education Soviet Leaders emphasized education  Wanted to raise the literacy rate Had some problems:  Lacked funding  Not enough supplies  Some schools were forced to close in the winter because they had no heat  Focused more on higher education In 1925, students averaged less than 3 years in school

Lenin Lenin dies in 1924  Leaves a power struggle

Power Struggle Leon Trotsky vs. Joseph Stalin

Command Economy In 1928, Stalin ended the NEP He returned the economy to a command economy  The government controls all economic decisions

Five-Year Plan Ambitious agricultural, industrial, and social goals  Double production of oil and coal  Triple production of steel  Intended to turn the Soviet Union into a modern, industrialized nation Farming  Production  Surplus  Exports  New Machinery  Were there problems with this plan? Read page 303 to find out.

Five Year Plan Economy grows under F.Y.P.  Steel production increased A second F.Y.P. went into effect in 1933  Broader than the first  Production of consumer goods decreased  Government focused on expanding industry, military  Soviet people faced harder times

Stalin’s Dictatorship Ruled by fear  Obey the Communist Party or face punishment 1936  New Soviet Constitution The Supreme Soviet was the parliamentary body  The Council of Ministers held executive and administrative authority  Appeared to be democratic  However most power was in the hands of the Politburo  Stalin controlled the Politburo /videos

Stalin’s Purges Purge  Large scale elimination  Used brutality, intimidation, and staged public trials  By 1939, over 5 million people had been arrested, deported, imprisoned, or executed assassination-video.htm assassination-video.htm


Gulags From 1934 to 1947, millions of people were sent to Russian labor camps known as Gulags  Many located in Siberia  Forced to build roads or work in mines  Terrible conditions  Many died of hunger, freezing, over- work, or disease  Thousands were executed

Comintern Lenin founded organization whose goal was to spread the Communist Revolution throughout the world  Worked for the overthrow of democracies by urging the workers to unite