Problem Based Learning Project Fall: In Spring: Out By Danny Lee
Unit Summary Let's take a journey of discovery through the seasons of school. It's hot in September, then temperatures cool. October brings a time for planting bulbs. Winter offers cold temperatures but beautiful scenes of Winter Wonderlands and exciting sports. Spring creeps in with warming temperatures and beautiful flowers. So, which season is the best of all? We'll explore each season by tracking temperatures, planting bulbs, and making observations of the changing seasons.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Which season is the best of all? Unit Questions What changes in plants do we see in fall/winter/spring? How are plants affected by the climate and the seasons? How do temperatures help determine the seasons? Content Questions What is the life cycle of a tulip? What is the life cycle and yearly cycle of a tree? How do you correctly measure temperature? How do you correctly measure length/height?
Primary Standards 2.7The student will investigate and understand that weather and seasonal changes affect plants and their surroundings. Key concepts include: a) effects on growth and behavior of living things (adaptation, dormancy) 2.4The student will investigate and understand that plants undergo a series of orderly changes in their life cycles. Key concepts include flowering plants undergo many changes, from the formation of the flower to the development of the fruit. 2.6The student will investigate and understand basic types, changes, and patterns of weather. Key concepts include a) temperature, wind, precipitation, drought, flood, and storms; and b) the uses and importance of measuring and recording weather data.
21 st Century Skills Communication and Collaboration Students will communicate their discoveries and learning through an online blog. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Students will understand the connectivity between and among systems. ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Students will learn how to use blogging technology to communicate with others. Productivity and Accountability Students will be required to complete tasks within a given amount of time and have deadlines for posting to the blog.
Assessments Before the Unit Student pre-assessments will be paper/pencil assessments that include both multiple choice and open ended items. During the Unit As the unit progresses more time will be spent making observations using teacher checklists and anecdotal evidence as to the students’ learning. Periodic checks will be made through student/teacher conferences wherein small tasks will be given for students to show their learning and to discuss their progress with the teacher. Further, through our periodic blog entries students can gauge their own learning while looking at the entries of their peers. The teacher will also use the blog entries to monitor student progress.teacher checklists End of Unit Post unit data will be collected via several end-of-unit performance activities. The students will create diagrams of life cycles, produce bar graphs, and create an online portfolio as part of their blog.
Student Objectives make observations collect data measure in inches and centimeters, and degrees F create bar graphs write a blog draw and label parts of a tulip life cycle draw and label the seasonal cycle of a tree draw and label the seasonal cycle evaluate how temperature impacts plants
Feedback What feedback can you give me? Is my problem clear? Do my objectives match my assessments? What else?