Saint Lucia died in Siracusa on the13th of december 304, virgin and martyr. Lucia’s conversion was during her mother’s disease, when Saint Agatha appeared her in a dream..
Lucia was immediately denounced as a Christian and beheaded by Diocletian’s order
Saint Lucia is represented without eyes because the legend says that she tore them off to send away all her pretenders.
The “cuccìa” is a typical Sicilian sweet made by Grain, “Ricotta “, Or milk cream…
And it is garnished with cinnamon and chocolate
The cuccìa is prepared on the 13th of December for Saint Lucia’s commemoration. The tradition says that on that day in 1646, a ship loaded of grain arrived in Palermo’s port putting an end to the famine.
T o r e m e m b e r t h a t d a y, t h e S i c i l i a n s d o n ’ t e a t f o o d m a d e w i t h f l o u r, b u t …
The “cuccia”
And the “Arancine.”