A European Dialogue on Interregional Co-operation The Case For a Rural Inter-Regional Focus Going Forward AER Conference Strasbourg October 2nd Mr Jack Roche President ELARD European LEADER Association for Rural Development
What is ELARD ELARD is The European LEADER Association for Rural Development. Its members are the Local Action Groups delivering LEADER Programmes in Europe. ELARD has over 600 members in 12 countries ELARD was established by the LAG’s to:- “Campaign to spread the philosophy, principles and scope of the LEADER method grounded in the 7 Specific Features of LEADER in order to achieve sustainable Rural Development across Europe”
ELARD Stands for:- Uniting Rural Development Policies Uniting People and Building Partnerships Rural Areas that are Competitive, Sustainable and Socially Cohesive Extending the LEADER approach to all Axes ELARD believes that every rural area should have a Local Action Group…to co-ordinate more policies in Rural Development, Social Cohesion, Competiveness and Sustainability Policies at local level across Europe. ELARD’s Activities are Based on a Series of Principles
The Local Action Group simply as a LEADER Administration OR A Local Rural Development Agency operating across a wide range of Programmes and Initiatives to meet the needs of the community and region
IRD Duhallow Board 2006 Women & Childcare Equality Disability & Migrants Employment & Training Enterprise Network Enterprise Social Economy Youth & Education Project Evaluation Project Assessment Finance Human Resources Community Development Youth Urban Estates Migrants & Refugees Bereavement Support Women Elderly Disability Childcare Geographic Rural Regeneration Agriculture Smallholders Policy Beef, Sheep & Tillage Environment Operational Sub-CommitteesStrategic Working Groups Strategic Working Group Sub-Committees Community Forum Social Partners Farming Organisations Statutory Agencies Business Sector Lone Parents Carers Mental Ill Health
Human Cultural Economic Natural Eco Tourism Activity Holidays Environment Education IRD Duhallow LEADER + Natural and Cultural Resources Natural and Cultural Resources Education &Training A Living Country Side Environment Awareness Promote Walking Holidays Develop Angling Facilities Heritage Management Preservation & Restoration Enhance Built Heritage Promote Sustainable Land Use New Service Enterprises New Sustainable Jobs Diversification New Food Products Social Enterprise Community Development Increase participation of Youth & Women Develop Social Economy Improve Local Services Establish Transnational links New Training Opportunities Support Networks Improve Community Facilities Improve Quality of Life Networking Traditional Village Renewal Technology The Arts Support Cultural Centres Community Arts Support Craft Enterprise Facilitate Networks Research & Archiving Training Marketing & Promotion Foster Creativity Sustainable Growth Technical Support Capital Investment Recruitment Assistance Product Development New Food Businesses Mentoring Networking Pluriactivity Sustainable Rural Development Identity Cork Declaration Lisbon Gothenburg
Programmes Implemented LEADER l, ll and + National Social Inclusion Programme –Both Area Based in Duhallow:- Natural Area of Development –LAG Administration & Governance Skills Developed –For Regional Responses co-operation with neighbouring LAG’s EQUAL through Inter-territorial with 6 LAG’s -3 TNP –New job opportunities for people with disabilities –Community Enterprise Hot Meal Service to Elderly Intereg through Inter-Terrritorial with 5 LAG’s – 2 TNP –Development of Cycling Trails & Group Marketing Article Vl – Inter-Territorial with 5 Lags – 2 TNP –Farmers in need of Off-Farm Income –Rural Social Scheme for Energy Conservation –Job Rotation with Dairy Co-operative
Since it’s inception IRD Duhallow has... Created 790 New Jobs Sustained Enterprises Providing over 1,100 jobs Levered over €36.3m in resources into Duhallow Provided over 3,500 Training Places Placed over 500 into employment Facilitated the creation of over 500 childcare places Supported 96 Community & Voluntary Groups Enabled Networking & Co-operation Funded over 600 projects by Communities Implemented 26 National & EC programmes through a single Community Based Rural Development Structure
…………………….. Assisted 23 Publications Convened 40 Seminars and Conferences Developed 25 new amenities and visitor attractions Assisted & Funded 15 new accommodation units Empowered over 4,000 young people to get involved in development projects Initiated support projects in 18 schools Carried over 22,000 passengers through Rural Transport Developed Transnational linkages with 22 countries Implemented 35 National & EU Programmes through a single Administrative structure
Conclusions LEADER has the potential to establish & embed Local Action Groups throughout New Member States Budget is Limited & those that most need to learn from other regions will not commit money to TNP ELARD has worked hard to promote the concept The learning and experience in the EU 15 –lost!! Above all Rural Areas need a range of employment opportunities to avoid out migration We can not tolerate a situation whereby new jobs are in cities and rural areas a relegated to playgrounds for urban dwellers Joined up Government for the Commission so that the policies of each Directorate support each other.