Exploitation of Space Ionizing Radiation Monitoring System in Russian Federal Space Agency STRUCTURE OF THE MONITORING SYSTEM The Monitoring System includes two parts: the ground-based segment and the engineering monitoring system (space-born segment), - and deals with scientific station and ground-based facilities. The main features of the engineering monitoring system are: measurements of space ionizing irradiation exposure on electronic components; registration of the effects in electronic components, not particles; low size and mass; necessity to place on all spacecrafts; specific orbit measurements. The base component of space-born segment is a set of TID sensors. These sensors operate on MNOSFET dosimetry principle, which has following advantages: output electrical signal is proportional to TID; real-time monitoring of TID; low size and power; work volume is analogous to TID sensitive area in MOS devices. Specification: Output range: rad; Frequency output: kHz; Analog output: V; RS-485 interface; Power supply: 27 V. Fig.1. The structure of the Monitoring System FLIGHT DATA ANALYSIS Fig.2. The flight data for 26 TID sensors onboard 13 spacecraft at the circular orbit ~20000 km from October 2008 to October 2011 Anomalous increasing dose rate is observed in: October 2008: in ~ 3 times; October 2010: in ~ 6 times; February 2011: in ~ 4 times; March 2011: in ~ 15 times; September 2011: in ~ 4 times (Figures 3 - 6). It can be explained by a sharp increase of 2 MeV electrons GEO, that is confirmed by GOES measurement. The flight data are in agreement (at October 2008, October 2010, February and March 2011) and are in consistence (at September 2011) with International Space Station and Ground–level measurement. April 2010: in ~ 100 times. The increase of dose rate on MEO cannot be explained only by an increase of electron and proton fluence. According to GOES, International Space Station and ground-level measurements, the increase of dose rate on MEO was more substantial. However, this data can be explained by the compression of Van Allen Belts and, as a result, by increasing particle fluence on MEO. The Russian Federal Space Agency Monitoring System of space ionizing radiation exposure on electronic components was developed and operates successfully. The total ionizing dose flight data were received by MNOSFET TID sensors which were set onboard in several spacecrafts. The dose rate increasing in October 2008, October 2010, February, March and September 2011 is in agreement with other monitoring system data and with ground-level measurements. The Monitoring System provides user the space weather forecasts. The main cause of failure events of the space avionic at the geostationary orbit is electron exposure. FLIGHT DATA FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER 2011 Fig.3. The flight data from June to October 2011 Fig.4. GOES electron flux (E >2 MeV) from June to October 2011 Fig.5. The International Space Station average dose rate flight data from June to October 2011 Figure 6. Ground-level measurements of cosmic ray variations (Moscow Neutron Monitor) from June to October 2011, a.u./min V.S. Anashin 1, G.A.Protopopov 1, S.V. Balashov 2, S.P. Gaidash 3, Y.A. Milovamov 4, N.V. Sergeecheva 5 1 Institute of Space Device Engineering (Moscow, Russia); 2 Information Satellite Systems” Reshetnev Company, (Zheleznogorsk, Russia); 3 Pushkov institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN) (Troitsk, Russia); 4 Russian Federal Space Agency; 5 S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation “ENERGIA” (Korolev, ANOMALIES ANALYSIS GROUND-BASED SPACE WEATHER FORECAST STATION Fig.7. Example of solar proton increasing forecast Fig.8. Example of high energy electron (E>2 MeV) fluence forecast Available to user forecasts: ● Protons increasing ● Geomagnetic and solar activity ● Electron fluence ● Proton alert Table 1. The data of anomalies (failure events) of the space avionics at the geostationary orbit “Electron” – the high energy electron (E>2 MeV) at the geostationary orbit; “Proton” – the protons (E>2 MeV) at the geostationary orbit; “TID sensors” – the flight data at the circular orbit ~20000 km - a danger level - exceeding of the danger level For electrons: 1000 electrons/cm2-s-sr For protons: 10 protons/cm2-s-sr For TID sensors: average dose rate (~ 3.5E-04 a.u./s for 2011 year, electrons bring the main dose contribution) Conclusion: the cause of failure events is the exposure of electrons