GPO POLICIES AND PLANS FOR SPATIAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION GPO POLICIES AND PLANS FOR SPATIAL INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION Judy Russell Superintendent of Documents (Managing Director, Information Dissemination) For Cartographic Users Advisory Council Library of Congress, May 2005
Background Federal Depository Library Program Begun in 1813; Transferred to GPO in 1895 Mission to ensure no-fee public access to Federal publications Currently over 1,250 libraries
Background Federal Depository Library Program Historically, GPO shipped publications to libraries, which provided both preservation and public access The Internet has changed agency publishing and the way Federal information is disseminated and used 95% of new titles added to the FDLP collection are in electronic form, whether or not they are also tangible
Strategic Vision “A Strategic Vision for the 21st Century” was delivered to Congress on December 1, 2004.
The Mission GPO has 3 essential missions: publishing and printing services for all three branches of the Federal Government Expert publishing and printing services for all three branches of the Federal Government Perpetual, free and ready public access to printed and electronic Federal Government information in partnership with the FDLP Dissemination of printed and electronic Federal Government information to the public on a cost recovery basis
The Mission “While GPO’s mission will remain essentially the same in the future, the introduction of digital technology has changed the ways its products and services will be created and how they will look and function to meet the ever changing needs of the Federal Government and the way public users of Government information now prefer it.”
Vision “To deliver Federal information products from a flexible digital platform.”
Selected Goals “To serve the public’s needs by increasing the access to, and the usefulness of, Federal information.” “To increase the percentage of Federal documents procured by GPO … and ensure that all pertinent documents enter the FDLP.”
Some FDLP Goals FDLP Objectives: Provide Federal Depository Libraries with no fee access to a complete digital collection of Federal documents Continue to offer Federal Depository Libraries the option to receive print versions of essential titles
Some FDLP Goals Provide tools and training for depository librarians Develop two collections to maintain copies of all known tangible and electronic FDLP documents in a safe and secure archival environment
Efforts Underway Legacy Digitization Requirements and Priorities Future Digital System Requirements National Collection National Bibliography using new ILS Web Discovery & Harvesting Contracts
Efforts Underway Authentication Services Version Control Requirements Preservation Planning and Implementation
FDLP Map Distribution Through April, 1,184 maps have been distributed (compared with 1,178 all last year) Revised FDLP dissemination/distribution policy (ID 71) requires tangible distribution of maps at least until useable/useful electronic formats are available New Electronic Depository Library Manual will include special guidance for maps
FDLP Map Distribution Maps and geospatial data are an important part of the historical and future FDLP GPO participated in a review of requirements for the National Map GPO participated in National Academy of Science study, detailed in the publication “Licensing Geographic Data and Services”
FDLP Map Distribution GPO planning activities include special attention to issues related to access, preservation, authentication, version control and usability
Legacy Digitization Maps and Geospatial Resources Are within the scope of the plan Will be digitized in coordination with other agencies, such as USGS and NGA Requirements and priorities for maps digitization will be developed in consultation with the community
Digitization Plan Recognized experts participated in two GPO meetings on digitization specifications and metadata requirements: Recognized experts participated in two GPO meetings on digitization specifications and metadata requirements: Recent Council meeting continued discussion on version control and authentication: Recent Council meeting continued discussion on version control and authentication:
Permanent Access GPO is working with the depository libraries and ALA GITCO on an analysis of historical CD-ROMs with obsolete operating systems/software GPO will work with depository libraries and publishing agencies to migrate this data and ensure that the content remains accessible
Strategic Vision “A Strategic Vision for the 21st Century” Available at: congressional/pdfs/ 04strategicplan.pdf
Contact Information Judy Russell Superintendent of Documents