The employment landscape and the role of supported employment Paper to EUSE conference 12 June 2013 Eithne Fitzgerald Head of Policy and Research.


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Presentation transcript:

The employment landscape and the role of supported employment Paper to EUSE conference 12 June 2013 Eithne Fitzgerald Head of Policy and Research

The National Disability Authority is the independent state body providing expert advice on disability policy and practice to Government, and promoting Universal Design in Ireland

UN Convention on Disability Article 27 Right to work, on an equal basis with others Effective access to vocational guidance, placement, and training Promote employment through affirmative action and other measures Provide reasonable accommodation at work Promote work experience in open labour market

Low participation in work People with disabilities are only half as likely to have a job Strong link between education and employment Strong link between no job and poverty 60% of people with disabilities not working are restricted in type or amount of work they can do But 15% of those who have difficulty working are in a job

Irish employment rate compared to others (World Report on Disability 2011)

Employment rates 2011 aged 20 to 64

% pwd employed by difficulty in working QNHS 2002

Review of Adult Day Services From services to supports Support for –Making choices –Transitions and progression –Inclusion in your community –Accessing education and learning –Maximising independence –Personal and social development –Health and well-being –Vocational training and work opportunities –Personal expression and creativity –Meaningful social roles –Influencing service policy and practice

People with ID + learning disability of working age 18-64, National Disability Survey 2006

Policy context International recession + high youth unemployment But won’t last forever Ireland - National Disability Strategy Implementation Plan Strategic goals include –People with disabilities are enabled to reach their full potential –People with disabilities have access to jobs

NDA learning from other countries One size does not fit all ‘Place and train’ model is very suitable for people with higher support needs Job coaches play a crucial role People with significant disabilities (autism, intellectual disabilities, mental health difficulties) can be supported to make a real economic contribution

Supported employment Supports people to live ‘ordinary lives in ordinary places’ Continuum of supports –Personal supports –Job coach –Employer support Supporting and enabling employers