A Europe 2020 flagship initiative YOUTH ON THE MOVE An overview.


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Presentation transcript:

A Europe 2020 flagship initiative YOUTH ON THE MOVE An overview

What? An EU “flagship initiative” to respond to the challenges young people face and to help them succeed in the knowledge economy – adopted 15 September 2010 An integrated strategy for young people, embracing both education/training and employment One of seven “flagships” in the Europe 2020 strategy for “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”

Why? “Europe’s future depends on its 100 million young people” By 2020, 35% of all jobs will require high-level qualifications (today: 29%) = “knowledge economy” Too many early school leavers (14.4% of year olds have less than upper secondary education) Only 32.3% of EU population have an HE degree (USA: > 40%, Japan: > 50%) Youth unemployment is too high: 21%

Europe 2020 targets Early School Leaving Higher Education Attainment (Age 30-34) % 10% at most % 40% at least

What’s the EU going to do? Framework strategy with four action lines: 1.“Modern education and training systems”: actions to improve schools, VET, recognition of non-formal/informal learning etc. 2.“Higher education”: specific actions to make higher education more attractive / effective 3.“Learning and employment mobility”: actions to promote training + work abroad as a way to gain skills / experience 4.“Youth Employment Framework”: active labour market policies + reform of labour market rules

1.“Modern E&T systems” Council recommendation on reducing early school leaving (2010) High Level Expert Group on literacy (2010) Re-launched cooperation on VET (2010) Quality framework for traineeships (including transnational placements) (2011) Council Recommendation on promotion and validation of non-formal/informal learning (2011)

2. “Higher Education” Communication on modernising HE: a new agenda on employability, mobility, transparent info on study and research, internationalisation strategy (2011) Results of study on multi-dimensional global university ranking (2011) Multiannual Strategic Innovation Agenda: role of EIT, priorities for HE, research, innovation and entrepreneurship (2011)

3a. “Learning Mobility” Youth on the Move website on EU learning and mobility opportunities Council Recommendation on learning mobility + Mobility Scoreboard (adopted ) Guidance on the rights of mobile students (ECJ rulings) (adopted) European Skills Passport (building on Europass, covering informal/non formal learning) ( )

3b. “Employment Mobility” Pilot project “Your first EURES job”, run by EURES, matching jobseekers with employers (2011) “European Vacancy Monitor”, vacancy database (2010) Monitor application of EU legislation on freedom of workers – report by Commission (2010)

4. “Employment” Sharing effective practice in supporting young unemployed Systematic monitoring of those “not in employment, education or training” (NEETs) European Progress Micro-finance Facility (EPMF) - finance to potential young entrepreneurs “Youth guarantee”: job, training or “activation” within four months after leaving school Encourage labour market reform by Member States (contracts, wage regulation etc)

Funding from EU programmes Feasibility for the creation of an EU student loan facility to facilitate mobility (with the EIB) “Erasmus for young entrepreneurs” preparatory action Review all EU programmes on education and training, including a public consultation (15/9-30/11), for post-2013 Maximise the potential of the European Social Fund Argument for increased EU resources post 2013

Who’s responsible? EU competences mean: Open Method of Coordination (Europe 2020, integrated guidelines, ET2020, EU Youth Strategy) Member States in driving seat (including for funding) EU plays facilitating, agenda-setting, supporting and benchmarking role EU programmes: support mobility + joint projects in support of Youth on the Move objectives + Member State activities