Opportunities & Challenges for Competition Reforms in E&S Africa CUTS Viewpoint Africa Stakeholders’ Workshop Africa Competition Forum 12 th March 2010, Nairobi Rijit Sengupta
2 Outline of Presentation Introduction to CUTS International CUTS Competition Projects in Africa Objectives Countries Key Messages Future Challenges Relating to Competition Select Future Projects in Africa Concluding Remarks
3 Introduction to CUTS International Genesis – consumer rights organisation Vision: Consumer sovereignty in the framework of social justice and equality within and across borders Landmarks in relevant CUTS activity Involvement in competition reforms in India Active programmes on competition policy and law issues in 30 countries of Africa and Asia 2 resource centres in Africa, 4 overall Extensive contacts across SH groups, and partnerships with CSOs in Africa
4 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES Sensitising ‘key stakeholders’ about benefits from competition reforms Bottom up-approach (7Up Model) Capacity building of multiple stakeholders on CPL Mobilising CSO involvement in competition reforms Collating baseline information on state of competition Advocacy for evolution of CPL & enforcement Attracting donor/IO attention to CPL
5 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES PAST & PRESENT Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo FUTURE Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
6 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES Very little political will Low stakeholder demand (if at all) Only a few interested donors Interest exists among scholars/academia; no support Business community not integrated into the process Huge training and capacity building requirements Very little/incorrect reporting in media (print & electr.) Sensitisation of parliamentarians imperative
7 CUTS Projects in Africa OBJECTIVES COUNTRIES KEY MESSAGES Competition Authorities (CA) created, but lack capacity Often inappropriate sequencing of cases by CA Lack of capacity building opportunities for CA staff Little or no clarity on interface issues CA not able to establish strong linkages with consumers, vice-versa (affecting consumer support)
8 Future Challenges Relating to Competition Detailed socio-economic assessment of ACPs and dissemination of results (POLICY ADVOCACY) Integration of competition reforms into wider policy discourses (EXPANDING FRONTIERS) Regional Vs National Competition Laws (CLARITY) Competition reforms in post-EPAs (OPPORTUNITY) Governments need to support enforcement actions WORLD COMPETITION DAY!
9 Future Challenges Relating to Competition Long-term training/CB of CA staff Technical Assistance for new/young CAs (INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION) Integration of CPL into Univ./Management courses Continuous/long-term programmes for CB of key stakeholders in competition issues Support for consumer organisations (‘watchdogs’) Donor community/IGOs maintain/increase support Policy needs to be translated into administrative actions (WGs, Parliamentary Committee)
10 Select Competition Projects in Africa Capacity building of E&S African SH on Competition Assessment Framework (CAF) Target groups: practitioners and stakeholders Methodology: Selection of project countries Identification of resource persons (esp. from Africa/Asia) Preparation of ToT for resource persons Collection/preparation of ‘case studies’ Basic and advanced training on application of CA Production of ‘country-specific handbooks’ (on application of CAF in 2-3 specific markets)
11 Select Competition Projects in Africa Building capacity and developing the environment for effective competition regimes in select MENA countries Establish contacts with CSOs, CAs, other SH Plan and undertake a scoping-mission Develop baseline on prevailing state and challenges Mobilise key SH to discuss competition reforms options Enhance capacity of SH to engage on CPL issues Initiate processes for participatory competition reforms Establish forum for discourses on competition reforms Link the national competition community to the outside
12 Concluding Remarks Need for Africa Competition Forum first recommended by CUTS in August 2008 Identified Functions/Roles of ACF To take discussions on competition reforms outside the community related directly to CPL Respond to capacity building needs of key SH on CPL in Africa Provide a platform for discussing and addressing challenges in competition reforms faced by African nations Foster international cooperation for competition reforms in Africa
13 Ahsante Sana!