DISH D ata I nformation SH aring
USER GROUP MEETING Introductions- Group Introductions- Name, District, & Job Description Purpose of Meeting: To answer any questions about the completed the modification case flow. To discuss standardization and business issues. Brainstorm on proposed centralized information screen. Brainstorm on a marketing plan of DISH.
ELEVATOR STATEMENT For families who depend on timely execution of APA child support orders, the DISH project is an electronic case filing and information exchange program allowing CSE and the courts to exchange data electronically. Unlike the current paper dependent systems, this solution will expedite child support orders, reduce redundant data entry, and improve data accuracy.
Project Objectives Improve the speed of APA Case initiation and the execution of the corresponding child support order Produce processes which save time for judicial & CS staff Produce processes that standardize the use of court case types JV and DR. Provide centralized information displays combining data available from both ACSES and Eclipse/jPOD (judicial Processing on Demand).
Project Objectives Provide a real-time system interface between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD for the electronic exchange of APA case intake & management data. This interface is intended to: – –Reduce manual data entry of APA data at the court – –Improve data reliability and consistency – –Facilitate the quick assignment of a docket # by ICON/Eclipse to an APA case, and the timely delivery the docket # to ACSES – –Assign and exchange FSR account # – –Provide automatic and timely notification to ACSES that an APA order has been signed. – –Provide automatic electronic data updates to between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD when APA case management data is modified
Project Objectives Provide a real-time system interface between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD for the electronic exchange of APA case intake & management data. This interface is intended to: – –Reduce manual data entry of APA data at the court – –Improve data reliability and consistency – –Facilitate the quick assignment of a docket # by ICON/Eclipse to an APA case, and the timely delivery the docket # to ACSES – –Assign and exchange FSR account # – –Provide automatic and timely notification to ACSES that an APA order has been signed. – –Provide automatic electronic data updates to between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD when APA case management data is modified
Answer questions on the completed the Modification Case Flow Discuss standardization and business issues: –Review Homework Assignment regarding the assignment of court case numbers –Update group on Survey (Jessica Pearson Ph.D.) Information Screen Information Screen Brainstorm on Marketing Ideas for DISH Brainstorm on Marketing Ideas for DISH
Review Homework Mini-Modification User Group met and completed modification case flow Answer any questions
Business Issues SUP Event Needs Clarification and Standardized Assignment of Case Number –Survey Results (Jessica Pearson Ph.D.) Scheduling Hearings Supporting Documentation –Survey Results (Jessica Pearson Ph.D.)
Standardization Accepting Data from the other agency without need to validate? Best Practices Issues Public Access Issues Linking existing cases
Centralized Information Screen Brainstorm on what information each agency visualizes –What do we want on the screen? –Who will have access to screen?
Placement, Treatment and Services, Case Workers, ICPC transferred from Trails.
Marketing Brainstorm for ideas on how to best market DISH Ideas: –Colorado Courts Employee Conference (9/07) –Diana presentation to Chief Judges –CFSC Conference Booth –Peer to Peer Marketing (article) –Brochure –Website (
Wrap Up Review Homework Assignments Where do we go from here discussion