1.03 Practice Interpersonal Skills Teen Living 1.03 Practice Interpersonal Skills
Communication Communication is a two-way process of sending and receiving messages The person sending the messages (the speaker) needs to establish a rapport with the listeners (the receivers)
Communication, cont’d… High self-esteem increases communication Good listening skills: Staying open-minded to everyone’s ideas
Active Listening Skills Active listening involves giving both verbal and nonverbal feedback to the speaker Give the speaker feedback, by showing you are understanding of their feelings
Active Listening, cont’d… Active listening means concentrating carefully on what the speaker is saying i.e. watching your teacher and taking key notes as they lecture the class
Conflict Conflict is often a result of power struggles between people Personality differences can cause conflict A positive result of conflict is that differences are settled
Conflict Resolution Using “I-messages” is positive and effective in a conflict situation (tell the other person how their actions make you feel) “I feel upset when you…” (Instead of making 'Accusing You' statements that sound blameful and attacking)
Conflict Resolution, cont’d… Choose a quiet time when people have calmed down and relaxed to resolve conflict Mediation – Conflicting parties agree to talk to each other through mediators (a neutral 3rd party)
Planning Process 1. Identify concerns – creating a list of items/problems that need to be resolved 2. Set a goal – what do you want to accomplish? 3. Form a plan – the steps that it will take to reach your goal 4. Act – set your plan into action 5. Follow-up – evaluating whether or not your goal was reached