A Journey To Mars By Lauren Payne
Leah – the doctor Becky – the pilot Lauren – the astronaut Eddy – the engineer
Setting Off The time had come for Leah, Becky, Lauren and Eddy to make a move to Mars. They were just getting into the Star 2000 from the space station. Then there was a blast of flames and they were off! “We’re going to be away for two years”. “Yes and it will take us 9 months to get to Mars!” It seemed like they had been travelling for weeks, but it was only an hour. “Let’s have dinner.” “Beef stew, water and apple and custard.” “I need more crisps” said Eddie, “but they will just float everywhere because there is no gravity just like your last packet of crisps!” “We’re having an adventure. What’s going to happen next?”
Nearly At Mars Leah said “Look, isn’t that red circle Mars?” “No, we still have two months left.” “I wonder if we will see an alien with two heads.” “Don’t be stupid, Mars has never had life on it.” “Well, they would freeze because it is -150 degrees.” “Come on everyone, quiet.” Soon our adventure would begin.
Arriving on Mars “Mars is right there. Isn’t it red?” “And dusty.” “Argh look, we’re invaded. There’s something green on the ship.” “I’m surprised you didn’t remember. It’s your mouldy crisps.” “Come on everyone, we’re on Mars.”
Exploring Mars “Come on, let’s explore.” “Well, let’s go.” “Ouch, can someone open the door?” “You’re so annoying Eddie, you never do anything good.” “Don’t be mean, he’s good at his job.” “Come on then. Let’s get going.” “Quick, over here. I think I’ve found something.”
Finding Something “It’s kind of copper, like a coin.” “I can’t believe our luck - it’s a coin.” “It must be ancient, it isn’t a coin we use.” “I don’t believe it, that means someone, or something, has been here before us.”
Discovery “How old do you think the coin is?” “I’ve read about these, this coin is over a hundred years old. I wonder how it got here” “Wow. Eddy, for once, you’re helpful.” “Be quiet. You couldn’t do much better.” “I’m really tired.” “Did you know, Earth is next to Mars but it’s still so far away.” “Now is not a good time but thanks.” “Goodnight.”
Looking for Clues “As we only have two more days. Shall we look for more clues?” “Okay” (2 hours later) “Anyone find anything?” “No, except …….” “What?” “Lots of dust.”
The Last Day “Oh no. Today’s our last day.” “At least we found the coin.” “But someone must have dropped it.” “Don’t you remember, we’re the first people on Mars.” “Oh yes.” “We didn’t even find a speck of a clue.” “Oh well, we have the coin.”
Setting Off Home “Today we’re going home.” “Yes and we have evidence of someone, or something on Mars.” “Come on, the ship’s ready.” Once more they heard a blast of flames. They were heading home, at last. “Hooray.” “One science fact. I think I know why Mars is so cold and dusty.” “Why?” “Mars is layered ice and dust and is near the North Pole.”
Back on Earth “Look, there’s Earth.” “We’re finally home.” “That really was an adventure.” “Yes, I hope we go again someday.” “Yes, we must solve the mystery of the coin.”