Chancellor % Academic Affairs 70.43% Student Affairs % Advancement and External Affairs- 3.08% Administration and Finance % Utilities % Information Technology %
Academic Affairs - $3,041,997 Finance and Admin - $749,449
5% REDUCTION - $4,319,437 10% REDUCTION - $8,638,874 15% REDUCTION - $12,958,311
$4,319,437 to $8,638,874 reduction in base budget
Meeting with Deans to determine instructional efficiencies and program prioritizations
Reduce special interest courses Reduce concentrations/specializations Reduce adjunct faculty Reduce administrative costs Identify low enrolled programs
Low retention programs Restructure curriculum to increase student/faculty ratio Reduce course duplication Limit small enrollment courses to a 2 year cycle Reduce credits to degree Leverage courses at other institutions
1. Mission Critical 2. Quality 3. Cost Effectiveness/Sustainability/ Revenue 4. Internal Demand 5. Productivity
Undertake a review and prioritization process
Studies completed by February 15, 2011 Academic Affairs review University wide review