Bakersfield City School District Ruth VanWorth-Rogers Supervisor Tracey Rusch, Clerk FAX
Goal for the GATE Program Identify and nurture student potential. Services are designed to be highly motivating and varied in content and approach. Using differentiated instruction, teachers guide students toward further understanding and discovery in order to satisfy the gifted students’ need for a more challenging curriculum.
GATE Characteristics Ability to learn basic skills quickly Longer attention span Wide range of interests Ability to retain a great deal of information Limitless supply of questions Persistence and intense concentration Large vocabulary for their age Highly developed curiosity
BCSD GATE Options Students who are identified as GATE by the GATE Committee have several educational options to choose from: 2nd – 6th Grade full time GATE at Owens Primary or Intermediate 3rd- 6th Grade one day GATE at Owens Primary 2nd – 6th Grade students can remain at their school site and receive differentiated instruction from their teacher of record 6th – 8th Grades each junior high/middle school offers GATE/Honors instruction
GATE Identification Process Now on line Complete Nomination Form Parent mailed Consent to Assess Student Assessed Student Packet Reviewed by GATE Committee to determine Eligibility Parent and teacher notified by mail Process takes weeks
Exhibits talent in visual/performing arts High transience rate in elementary school years Language of home is other than English Few experiences which stimulate intellectual growth Resides in a depressed economic area (free & reduced lunch, etc.) Exhibits positive leadership skills (extra curricular activities, etc.) Exhibits specific academic ability in ____________________ Student Performance
Educational Study Work habits Knowledge of subject matter Research skills Memory skills Basic skills knowledge Vocabulary Breadth of reading Ability to solve problems Seeing whole and part relationships Higher order thinking skills Willingness to experiment Intellectual curiosity Originality of thinking Ability to work independently Range of interests Leadership Interest in school Interaction with peers Rapport with teachers Motivation to learn Acceptance of responsibility Self confidence Sense of humor
Differentiated Curriculum All students experience the District's Core Curriculum which is based on California state standards. Differentiation uses one or more of the following dimensions: Acceleration and Pacing Depth Complexity Novelty
GATE Teachers Earn GATE Certifications GATE Teachers possess the following competencies: Knowledge and valuing of the origins and nature of high levels of intelligence, including creative expressions of intelligence Knowledge and understanding of cognitive, social and emotional characteristics An ability to develop an advanced curriculum appropriate to meeting the unique intellectual and emotional needs and interest of gifted and talented students An ability to create an environment in which gifted and talented students will feel challenged and safe to explore and express their uniqueness
GATE Services FAX