Interviewing 101 Skills and Techniques FINCA Research Training Slides Incorporate Important Information from ORC Macro Demographic and Health Survey Interviewer’s Manual.
Agenda 1.Your Role as an Interviewer 2.Interview Skills and Techniques 3.Understanding Bias 4.Key Lessons
Your Role as an Interviewer The FCAT’s success depends on the quality of work of each interviewer: Each and every interview counts Understand clients’ experiences and needs to instill a sense of trust Ensure data quality and accuracy (clean and properly report)
Agenda 1.Your Role 2.Interview Skills and Techniques 3.Understanding Bias 4.Key Lessons
Interviewing Skills Interviewing is a skill that requires practice and patience People will have different interviewing strengths Remember the quality of interview determines quality of research
Introduce Yourself At a group meeting, such as a village bank meeting: Have loan officer introduce you to the group Explain that you are working with (not for) the FINCA Affiliate Emphasize confidentiality and the aggregation of responses Thank the client and also the group as a whole if appropriate
Build Rapport 1. Make a Good First Impression Introduce yourself at the start of each interview Smile and greet the person cordially 2. Take a Positive Approach “I would like to ask you a few questions,” NOT, “Are you too busy?” 3. Obtain Consent After introduction confirm consent to interview: “OK? Can we begin?”
Build Rapport (continued) 5. Answer Client Questions Be direct and pleasant Do not promise anything -this data can inform change but you can not promise 6. Interview Client Alone Third parties often prevent honest answers Always ensure you are out of earshot 4. Clarify Confidentiality No names will be used and no information provided will be used against the client All responses are aggregated with those of up to 800 other clients
Create a Client-Friendly Atmosphere Demonstrate you are ‘hearing’ them with an “mm-hmm, ok, and I see” Do not rush a slow client in their responses Listen Keep a conversational tone Remember this is not a test nor an interrogation Engage Interview clients apart from others to the extent possible Stay out of earshot Ensure Privacy
How to Ask the Questions Do not go into the interview with any expectations Read question EXACTLY as written, EVERY time Never ask questions from memory Do not allow clients to read the questionnaire along with you
How to Repeat the Questions For hesitant respondents: Re-interest respondents with conversation, listen to what they have to say, build trust Reiterate confidentiality Don’t force answers Read the question Pause Repeat question Re- phrase question
Additional Interview Best Practice Techniques Do not change wording or sequence Maintain neutrality Never suggest answers Do not respond with opinion driven answers
Additional Tips Maintain eye contact with the client Listen to each answer Understand how one answer affects answers for following questions Show genuine interest in what the client has to say NEVER suggest an answer PROBE by pausing and giving the client time to think of their response, rephrase the question, ask the question in smaller components Keep an eye out for incorrect answers. Probing, practice and knowledge of questions will prevent this from occurring : Example: Client states that the group forced him/her out when s/he earlier stated a self-determined reason for leaving. Probe.
At the End of the Interview Thank the client for their time (again) Let the client know that FINCA is looking forward to better understanding all client needs through this research Answer openly any questions that client might have
Perfecting Your Interview Skills Practice, practice, practice! Your energy will be obvious to the client Remember 3 C’s: 1) be c alm 2) be c ollected 3) be c ourteous
Agenda 1.Your Role 2.Interview Skills and Techniques 3.Understanding Bias 4.Key Lessons
What Is Bias? Bias is introduced both by visible and invisible means. Three types to watch out for: Affect Bias Relates to the personalities of interviewer and interviewee Question Bias Relates to interviewee fatigue or flawed interviews Gender Bias Relates to the sex of interviewer and gender relations 123
Gender Bias Gender informs clients’ expectations of interviewer in important ways: Beliefs (ideology) that shape gender identities and behavior, and how men and women and boys and girls conduct their daily lives Perceptions that guide how people interpret aspects of their lives differently depending on their gender identity Types of knowledge that men and women are privy to; who gets to know what
Gender Bias Gender relationships will influence the interviews in important ways: Differences in the willingness of men and women to participate in the interview or to answer particular questions Differences in interview length depending on whether the interviewee is male or female Differences in the ability of men and women interviewees to understand or answer the questions
Affect Bias Do not make assumptions on the level of understanding, knowledge, intelligence, etc. of respondent Maintain professionalism, creating a courteous and neutral atmosphere Know thyself
Question Bias Interviewee fatigue Be clear at the beginning of the approximate time for an interview Also, mention that some questions are longer than others Overcome question bias with practice But do not ask questions from memory or skip around the questionnaire
Agenda 1.Your Role 2.Interview Skills and Techniques 3.Understanding Bias 4.Key Lessons
Three Key Lessons 1.Remember interviewing is a skill Improve and be aware of strengths and weaknesses 2.Communicate with your group Working effectively as a team will help develop your interview skills and rapport with clients 3.Be aware of potential bias
Activities Appendix Slides Incorporate Important Information from ORC Macro Demographic and Health Survey Interviewer’s Manual.
Fishbowl Activity To start: Two volunteers Each group member will be given instructions on their role Report back to the group your interview experience