May 2009 Changing Direction Federal transportation funding Christof Spieler


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Presentation transcript:

May 2009 Changing Direction Federal transportation funding Christof Spieler

May 20092


May 20094

5 In the road business since 1893 FHWA

May Federal roadway funding

May Federal roadway funding Photo: Kir Murray

May Federal roadway funding

May The Grand Parkway

May Step 1: Add project to Regional Plan 1966: add to Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan

May Step 2: Environmental clearance Segment ETxDOT released the Segment E Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) in Dec 2007 record of decisionFHWA granted a record of decision in Sept 2008 federal lawsuitSierra Club filed a federal lawsuit over the inadequacy of the environmental assessment in March 2009 Sept 2008: Record of Decision Dec 2007: Segment E Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999, 2000, 2003, 2007: public meetings : Environmental process

May Step 2: Environmental clearance

May Step 3: Feds fund the project March 2009: TxDOT allocates $181 million to Grand Parkway

May Missing step: Assess cost effectiveness The 15 miles of SH 99 from I-10 to US 290 will cost $1 billion to build and maintain over its lifetime, while only generating $162 million in gas taxes. – TxDOT, November 2006

May Missing step: Assess cost effectiveness “The Grand Parkway… will be an opportunity to open up areas for development in the Greater Houston area” – John Barton, TxDOT

May In the transit business since 1961 FTA

May The Southeast Line METRO’s Southeast rail line

May Step 1: Alternatives analysis Feb 2002, May 2002, Jan 2003, Mar 2003: public meetings Dec Nov 2003: Alternatives Analysis study

May Bonus step: Referendum November 2003: Voters approve METRO Solutions

May Step 2: Add project to regional plan June 2004: public workshops February 2004: TPC adds Southeast Line to RTP

May Step 3: Meet cost-effectiveness requirements June 2005: METRO switches to BRT April 2005: FTA gives medium-low rating

May Step 4: Environmental clearance February 2007: Record of Decision January 2007: Final Environmental Impact Statement July 2006: Draft Environmental Impact Statement, public hearing Feb/Mar 2006: Public workshops

May Step 5: Try again Oct 2007: METRO goes back to LRT

May Step 6: Environmental clearance (again) July 2008: Record of Decision May 2008: Supplemental EIS, public hearing October 2007: FTA asks for SEIS

May Step 7: Risk analysis 2008-present: risk assessment

May Step 8: Feds fund the project, maybe? May 2009: FTA indicates that FFGA may be issued FY2010 March 2009: $30 million from stimulus on second try

May miles6.2 miles Which project should be funded?

May Which project should be funded? $622 million$680 million

May Which project should be funded? 103,246 people+jobs (3 mi.)163,000 people+jobs (1/2 mi.)

30 “This Administration believes that people should have options to get to work, school, the grocery or the doctor that do not rely solely on driving. We want to transform our transportation system into a truly multimodal system with strong alternatives to driving in order to maximize highway capacity, combat traffic congestion, reduce our reliance on oil and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.” - Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation

May FHWA FTA Do we need to kick the buckets?

May Questions?