John Martin TERENA Networking Conference1 TERENA Focus Study Funding of Research Networks in Europe John Martin Baiba Kaskina
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference2 Focus Study 2004 Extension of TERENA Compendium Supported by EU through COM-REN In-depth look at Research Network funding in Europe –Analysis by network level –Current trends –Multiple network domain issues
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference3 Focus Study: Method questionnaire to TERENA correspondents Questionnaire trialled in advance 24 responses by end-April Follow-up by and interview Results will be published by TERENA
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference4 Focus Study: Analysis Analysis by network level: funding, management and operations Current trends - over three years Multiple domain issues - performance, security, end-to-end Total of 15 analyses plus many examples
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference5 Focus Study 2004 Who provides what % of funding? Network level User institutions Local government Regional government National government EUOther External Backbone Access61138 Regional Campus88318
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference6 Focus Study 2004 Who is responsible for network operations? Network level NRENOut-sourcedUser institutions Regional government External214 Backbone242 Access1936 Regional7761 Campus24
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference7 Focus Study 2004 Who is responsible for network management? Network level NRENOtherUser institutions Regional government External213 Backbone24 Access2014 Regional9561 Campus224
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference8 Focus Study 2004 Current trends Since last year: 16 no change 4 increases in expenditure 4 other changes Expected next year: 12 no change 3 increases in expenditure 4 decreases in expenditure 5 other changes ……but most large changes are due to capital programmes.
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference9 Focus Study 2004 Performance issues Performance bottlenecks: - affected 18/24 countries - most are at campus or access levels - some due to high telecomms charges - some result of charging policies More details are in the report.
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference10 Focus Study 2004 Security and e2e issues (number of countries)
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference11 Focus Study 2004 Conclusions – Management and funding of research networks clear picture at external and backbone level clear picture at campus level mixed picture at access and regional level
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference12 Focus Study 2004 Conclusions – Trends in expenditure and funding significant year-on-year variations most due to one-off capital programmes recurrent funding is stable or slightly rising user contributions stable
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference13 Focus Study 2004 Conclusions – Multiple network domains bottlenecks mainly at campus or access level many denial of service attacks premium and end-to-end services susceptible to many performance and equipment shortcomings diagnosis and resolution often difficult multiple domains and varying support levels make this harder
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference14 Focus Study 2004 Conclusions – Some wider issues Evidence of some under-investment by user institutions High cost of telecomms in some countries is cause of bottlenecks at backbone and access level Policy of linking connection charging to bandwidth is cause of some bottlenecks
John Martin TERENA Networking Conference15 Focus Study 2004 A cknowledgements Directed by Bert van Pinxteren Thanks to Compendium Review Panel and to TERENA correspondents Will be published by TERENA (