PowerPoint Notes Introduction to Microsoft Office Skills
Slide Contents (information on your slides) Use for stating key points Do not write sentences and paragraphs Each line starts with a capital letter Use as notes Utilize the Notes section to add additional information
Slide Layout (how the information looks on slide) Use bullets ONLY when listing facts/items Have more than one fact/item Maintain the 7x7 rule –About 7 lines per slide –About 7 words per line
Slide Design (the colors and background on slide) Maintain consistency throughout presentation Be careful of colors Use fonts that are easy to read Keep it simple
Slide Titles All slides MUST have a title Gives a clue to what the slide is about Use title case Comes in first during animation
Transition and Animation (movement on slides) Slide Transition Movement of slides Mouse click or automatic Steps: –Slide Show Menu –Slide Transition Animation Movement of text or images On entrance, exit or emphasis Steps: –Slide Show Menu –Custom Animation –Add Effect Don’t get carried away here – Keep It Simple
Sound Use to enhance a slide Too much is very distracting Relevant to slide contents To Add: –Slide Transition –Sound section to right OR –Custom Animation –Click down arrow on animation (right panel) –Effect Options
ClipArt / Images Should enhance the appearance of a slide Careful it does not distract your audience Clear and relevant pictures
Printing Select “Print Preview” Select arrow next to “Print What” –Handouts –4 to a page Preview BEFORE printing