Performance Measurement & Management for Next- Generation Workforce Systems Christopher T. King National Governors Association Workforce Policy Forum Washington, DC December 2002 Welcome to the Marshall Center PowerPoint Template. To add text, click on the visible text, delete the template titles, and enter your data. To add additional slides, use Ctrl + M. You can modify the slide layout (i.e. select a pre-set layout for tables instead of a layout for text) by right-clicking on the slide background and selecting Slide Layout. Commonly used sample layouts are included. To delete slides you don’t want to use, choose Delete Slide from the Edit menu. You can also Duplicate Slides through the Insert menu. Pre-set slide transitions are included. They can be changed through the Slide Show menu. Finally, to hide comment fields (like this box), select Comments from the View menu. Please Sarah Looney at if you have any questions. Welcome to the Marshall Center PowerPoint Template. To add text, click on the visible text, delete the template titles, and enter your data. To add additional slides, use Ctrl + M. You can modify the slide layout (i.e. select a pre-set layout for tables instead of a layout for text) by right-clicking on the slide background and selecting Slide Layout. Commonly used sample layouts are included. To delete slides you don’t want to use, choose Delete Slide from the Edit menu. You can also Duplicate Slides through the Insert menu. Pre-set slide transitions are included. They can be changed through the Slide Show menu. Finally, to hide comment fields (like this box), select Comments from the View menu. Please Sarah Looney at if you have any questions.
Workforce Accountability Eras Emergence & Expansion, Cross-Program & Business Application, present Next Generation, ? Use this page to create bulleted lists.
The Current Framework MAJOR PROGRAMS: WIA, Adult Ed & Literacy, Perkins III PROGRESS: consistency, cross- program rewards, market mechanisms, customer satisfaction CHALLENGES: ‘silos’; employer & systems measures; data collection, reporting, & sharing; LMI Use this page to create bulleted lists.
Changing Context Contingent, temporary work Technological advances Demands for timely information Policy & program devolution & greater local accountability More knowledgeable, demanding public Use this page to create bulleted lists.
… Competing Paradigms Public Administration (Wilson, Weber & Taylor, circa 1900) 360-Degree Feedback & ‘Answerability’ (Behn, 2001) Market-Based (Sheets, 2002 & others) Use this page to create bulleted lists.
Next-Generation Requirements Greater market & systems orientation Recognized, portable credentials Improved learning outcome measures Independent accreditation and certification This page creates bulleted lists but it also includes animation (click F5 to view). To add animation to other slides, choose Slide Show from the menu bar. You can then choose from Preset Animation features or design a custom animation style. This page creates bulleted lists but it also includes animation (click F5 to view). To add animation to other slides, choose Slide Show from the menu bar. You can then choose from Preset Animation features or design a custom animation style.
… More Requirements Enhanced labor market information Scalable outcome measures: individual, institutional, corporate, system (*recent OMB action*) Links to leading global, national, state & industry skill standards This page creates bulleted lists but it also includes animation (click F5 to view). To add animation to other slides, choose Slide Show from the menu bar. You can then choose from Preset Animation features or design a custom animation style. This page creates bulleted lists but it also includes animation (click F5 to view). To add animation to other slides, choose Slide Show from the menu bar. You can then choose from Preset Animation features or design a custom animation style.
Recommended State Strategies Expanded use of workforce & education ‘flex’ authority Enhanced Balanced Scorecard Approach with market elements Specific action steps; e.g., recognized, portable credentials, systemic incentives, learning outcome measures. This page creates bulleted lists but it also includes animation (click F5 to view). To add animation to other slides, choose Slide Show from the menu bar. You can then choose from Preset Animation features or design a custom animation style. This page creates bulleted lists but it also includes animation (click F5 to view). To add animation to other slides, choose Slide Show from the menu bar. You can then choose from Preset Animation features or design a custom animation style.
For More Information Chris King Use this page as the final slide in your presentation.