Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel ECFA/BENE Future Neutrino Beam studies Towards a comparison of options on equal footing.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel ECFA/BENE Future Neutrino Beam studies Towards a comparison of options on equal footing Defining the next steps Aim of this presentation is to trigger discussion The ECFA/BENE Working groups (several 100 authors since 1998) recently published ‘ECFA/CERN studies of a European Neutrino Factory Complex' CERN ECFA/04/230 and Physics with a MMW proton driver (MMW workshop) +The beta beam working group beta-beam and high power target studies within EURISOL DESIGN STUDY (Lindroos + Lettry) or

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel ENG/BENE Agenda 16th March 2005 Meeting of the Target and Collector Section, JRJ. Bennett [talk] Non Cylindrical Symmetric Shocks in Liquid Jets J. Lettry & E. Robert[talk] [talk] Proton Induced Thermal Stress Wave Measurements in Solid targets R. Wilfinger[talk] [talk] Status of the TT2A experiment A. Fabich[talk] Coffee [talk] Pion Yields from Mars Calculations S. Brooks[talk] [talk] The New UK Programme of Shock Measurements in Solids R. Bennett [talk] [talk] LS-DYNA and ANSYS Calculations of Shock in Solids G. Skoro Close Afternoon session 1:30 PM 4:30 PM (PS auditorium) H. Haseroth, R. Edgecock 1.[talk] Parameters of 2nd SPL feasibility study A. Lombardi[talk] 2.[talk] MMW target development for EURISOL and EUROTRANS Y. Kadi[talk] 3.[talk] Lifetime test of a MMW solid target R. Bennett ---Coffee--- [talk] 4.[talk] Frontend optimisation S. Brooks[talk] 5.[talk] Simulations of FFAG rings F. Meot/F. Lemuet[talk] 4:45 PM BetaBeam (PS auditorium) 6.[talk] EURISOL and the Beta-Beam Tasks: Status and Planning M. Lindroos[talk] 7.[talk] The decay ring A. Chance[talk]

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel MUFRONT MUEND session 9:00-11:00, F. Méot 1.[talk] Insertions for muon FFAG rings G. Rees[talk] 2.[talk] FFAG e-model, lattice studies, beam dynamics E. Keil[talk] 3.[talk] Beam transmission in isochronous FFAG lattices F. Lemuet/F. Méot[talk] 4. Plans for future studies All participants MICE session 11:30-14:30 / K. Long 1.[talk] MICE beam line and experiment status P. Drumm [talk] Simulations of MICE R. Sandstroem [talk] Particle by particle emittance measurement to high precision C. Rogers [talk] MICE cooling channel: can we predict cooling to ? E. Gschwendtner[talk] Proton Driver session 14:30-18:00, C. Cavata 1.[talk] P driver activities at CERN R. Garoby[talk] 2.[talk] P driver activities at Saclay C. Cavata[talk] 3.[talk] P driver activities at RAL C. Prior[talk] 4. [talk] P driver activities in Italy A. Pisent[talk] 5. [talk] Proton driver for ADS applications J. L. Biarrotte[talk] 6. identify answers (and dates) to be given during 2005

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel ● Future neutrino facilities offer great promise for fundamental discoveries (such as CP violation) in neutrino physics, and a post-LHC construction window may exist for a facility to be sited at CERN. ● CERN should arrange a budget and personnel to enhance its participation in further developing the physics case and the technologies necessary for the realization of such facilities. This would allow CERN to play a significant role in such projects wherever they are sited. ● A high-power proton driver is a main building block of future projects, and is therefore required. ● A direct superbeam from a 2.2 GeV SPL alone does not appear to be the most attractive option for a future CERN neutrino experiment as it does not produce a significant advance on T2K. ● We welcome the effort, partly funded by the EU, concerned with the conceptual design of a β-beam. At the same time CERN should support the European neutrino factory initiative in its conceptual design. SPSC Recommendations (p.63)

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel Implications of SPSC Villars’s recommendations for the AB department are being sent to the Research Board Special INTC meeting (Villars – Oct. 2005)  new set of recommendations (nuclear physics community) Creation of an accelerator team to elaborate scenarios Accelerator studies in the frame of: CARE [EU supported Integrated Activity: “Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe” including networks (BENE: “Beams for European Neutrino Experiments”, H3: “High energy, High intensity, High brightness” accelerators) and the Joint Research Activity HIPPI: “High Intensity Pulsed Proton Injectors”] LHC upgrade studies EURISOL Design Study [EU supported] Future of proton accelerators at CERN LHC will operate until ~ 2020  Consolidation + LHC upgrade LHC will always be a part-time user of the injector complex  Other physics programmes can be covered if they are compatible with LHC needs. On top of value for science, synergy will be an important parameter. Garoby, 17 March 2005

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel HIP WG: long term alternatives Present accelerator Replacement accelerator Improvement INTEREST FOR LHC upgrade physics beyond CNGS RIB beyond ISOLDE Physics with k and  Linac2Linac4 50  160 MeV H +  H - +0 (if alone) PSB 2.2 GeV RCS* for HEP 1.4  2.2 GeV 10  250 kW +0 (if alone)+ 2.2 GeV/mMW RCS* 1.4  2.2 GeV 0.01  4 MW + ++ (super-beam,  -beam ?, factory) + (too short beam pulse) 0 (if alone) 2.2 GeV/50 Hz SPL* 1.4  2.2 GeV 0.01  4 MW (super-beam,  -beam, factory) +++0 (if alone) PS SC PS*/** for HEP 26  50 GeV Intensity x (if alone)0+ 5 Hz RCS*/** 26  50 GeV 0.1  4 MW ++ ( factory) 0+++ SPS1 TeV SC SPS*/** 0.45  1 TeV Intensity x  2 +++?0 * with brightness x2** need new injector(s) This table will be reviewed by PAF group (Garoby et al) (Proton Accelerator for the Future) and physics by PoFPA (J. Ellis et al) (Physics of PAF) group

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel Cut Yield of  + and  − zNormalised to unit beam power (p.GeV) High energy yield now appears a factor of 2 over low energy, but how much of that kink is real? S. Brooks

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel Stage 1: 3 MeV test place  development and test of linac equipment, beam characterization zStage 2: Linac4 yNew linac replacing the present injector of the PS Booster (Linac2) yFront-end of the future SPL  improvement of the beams for physics (higher performance and easier operation for LHC, ISOLDE etc.) zStage 3: SPL yNew injector for the PS, replacing the PS Booster yNew physics experiments using a high proton flux  improvement of the beams for physics and possibility of new experiments 3-stage approach happening now

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel CDR2 expected by the end of 2005 cointaining a feasibility study for a 3.5 GeV Superconducting H- LINAC based on 700 MHz cavities results of the evolution of CDR1 with contribution from CEA-Saclay, INFN Milano, HIPPI, ISTC....

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel In construction. To be operational in (RFQ from France,3 MeV chopping line from CERN). The 3 MeV test stand will become the front- end of Linac4 and SPL Stage 1: 3 MeV test place

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel gradients at 700 MHz Last test performed in CryHoLab (July 04): 5-cells 700 MHz ß=0.65 Nb cavity A5-01 from CEA/Saclay and IPN-Orsay from Stephane Chel, HIPPI04, Frankfurt, sep04

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel 3 MeV test place ready Linac4 approval SPL approval RF tests in SM 18 of prototype structures* for Linac4 CDR 2 Global planning

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel Thermal Management: Liquid Target with window F. Groeschel et al. (PSI) zMEGAPIE Project at PSI z0.59 GeV proton beam z1 MW beam power zGoals: z Demonstrate feasablility z One year service life z Irradiation in 2005 Proton Beam KADI

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel Radiation Management this has been in operation for several years.

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel P4 – CERN P18 – PSI Switzerland P19 – IPUL Latvia C5 – ORNL USA ParticipantsContributor EURISOL – Multi-MW Target

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel EURISOL – Multi-MW Target

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel

Preparation of design study ICL May 2005 accelerator Alain Blondel The CERN Neutrino Factory and Superbeam baseline scenario 1.proton source= either (some version of) SPL (baseline) or RCS advantages of SPL = better potential to increase power disadvantage = need additional accumulator (SB) and compressor (NF) to keep short (3  s or 3 ns ) bunches time structure = 144 bunches at 50Hz  operation cost? 2. collector = horn (baseline) or 20T solenoid horn is cheap and disposable. Efficient for single sign, but one sign only. synergy with Superbeam. 50Hz operation is hard 3. RF phase rotation at 88 MHz. Allowed one bunch of muons per bunch of protons. Muon-collider compatible! can this do both signs? 4. there never was an end-to-end simulation, performance was evaluated with interfaces. in general was very similar to PJK scenario