Climate Generation Day 3 Practical Stakeholder and community engagement
Introduction to Stakeholder and Community Engagement Session Aim To help you identify and engage the key stakeholders for your project Learning Outcomes Able to use a number of tools to identify and analyse stakeholders List three critical success factors for effective stakeholder engagement Write a communications plan
Introduction to stakeholder and community engagement Agenda What is a stakeholder? Benefits of stakeholder engagement Engagement concepts and tools Identifying and analysing key stakeholders in a given scenario(s) Developing a project communications strategy
Brainstorm Stakeholder Engagement
meaningful connections dialogue complexity understanding assumptions power interests communication relationships diversity accountability participation
Introduction to stakeholder and community engagement What is a stakeholder? ‘a person or institution having a stake in the outcome of a situation or decision’ Stakeholder: an individual, community or organisation that affects, or is affected by, the operations of a company. (see Freeman, 1984) What is stakeholder engagement ? A process which is about building relationships to increase the likelihood of cooperation and social learning leading to better and more equitable and sustainable decision making
Example of a stakeholder map
Why engage? The issues we face are complex… There is increasing interdependency in our communities & world There is a diversity of issues There are a variety of interests ….and require dialogue for optimal resolution
Benefits of stakeholder engagement Gives people some say over how projects or policies may affect their lives (empower the disadvantaged) Including people gives them a “stake” in the process, generates a sense of ownership Involving stakeholders helps to identify challenges and opportunities early on Better decision making, reduces potential for conflict, essential for sustainability Learning opportunities for all, social learning, knowledge sharing, skills enhancement Funding bodies increasingly require partnership working
Some perceptions of stakeholder engagement...
Arnstein’s Ladder of Engagement (1969)
Positions I want the window opened Interest More fresh air Need I need to breath Example
Analysing stakeholders: going deeper PositionsNeedsInterestsPositionsNeedsInterests Potential Partner Your Project
If I don’t know why you want something, I can’t come up with creative solutions that address your needs and interests. Once you understand the needs and know the interests, there will be new possibilities and you will be better prepared to engage in the stakeholder process. Important message about PIN
Analysing potential partners using a matrix People with influence who are not affected by climate change People with influence who are highly affected by the climate change People with no influence who are no affected by climate change With no influence who are highly affected by climate change High Power Low Power Not affectedHighly affected
Exercise: Flooding in Senegal Watch the Video Clip Work in small groups Use the matrix to identify the stakeholders – Who are the stakeholders? – Who is most affected by the flooding? – Who has influence? – Who are the absent stakeholders?
Your Scenario How was it for you? What did you learn? Do you have experiences to share with these kinds of processes?
Refreshment Break
Source: WWF - Cross-Cutting Tool Stakeholder Analysis
Developing a communications strategy for the scenario/your project Step 1. Read the case study. Who are the key stakeholders? Step 2. Map the stakeholders: Be specific, put the names of the organisations and individuals – Are there any unexpected stakeholders?
Quirke, 1995
Developing a communications strategy for the case study Step 3. Developing a communications strategy – Develop a plan for communicating with the key stakeholders in the case study – What methods and how often do you recommend ( , newsletter, website, blog, meeting, presentation)?
The Communications Strategy How was it for you? What did you learn? Do you have experiences to share with these kinds of processes?
Developing a communications strategy for your project Step 4. Developing a communications strategy – How do you want to communicate with your key stakeholders – What method ( , newsletter, website, blog, meeting, presentation)? – How often will you communicate with them?
Successful Stakeholder Engagement A real case study
Benefits and Constraints Social learning Buy-in to decisions Empower participants Sustainable outcomes Cheaper in the long term.... Time consuming More planning and preparation required No guaranteed outcomes There are costs attached....
Key dimensions of effective engagement How does it happen bringing together everyone affected by a decision sharing responsibility for the planning and the process with stakeholders managing processes and facilitating discussions professionally and independently ensuring equality of input into the decision-making process by all stakeholders ensuring that information is recorded and communicated clearly and transparently to all stakeholders.
Hoped for outcomes practical long-term solutions for people and the environment increased stakeholder buy-in to the process and the outcome new understanding and improved relationships, reducing the potential for future conflict new learning and new partnerships, involving government, business and local communities greater awareness of the value of involving people and communities in the decisions that affect their lives.
ENGAGEMENT IN 1 WORD If you now had to describe your thoughts on engagement in 1 word, what would it be? Has it changed?