S ELECTING A T EMPLATE A template is a set that selects a font, background, and style for a cohesive presentation. To select a template: Click the Design tab at the top of the screen. Click the design that suites the presentation.
S PEAKER N OTES PowerPoint has a unique feature that allows the speaker to add his/her additional notes that he/she may not want to include in the presentation itself. To add speaker notes: Click the bottom of the screen, below the slide where it says, “Click to add notes.” Type any additional notes that you may need as a speaker.
S LIDE V IEWS There are numerous ways to view the slides of a presentation on the screen. To select a view: Click the View tab at the top of the screen. The Normal view allows you to see the slides displayed in numerical order at the left side of the screen, and one individual slide at the center of the screen. The Slide Sorter view allows you to see each of the slides in small tiles in numerical order. The Slide Show view allows you to see the presentation full screen, one slide at a time Click or press enter to move to the next slide.
H ELPFUL T IPS To add additional slides: Select the Home tab at the top of the screen. Click the New Slide button. To add Clip Art, Pictures, Charts, or Tables: Select the Insert tab at the top of the screen. Select the corresponding command, and follow the steps to add this material. To add Animation: Select the Animations tab at the top of the screen. Select the desired slide animation. Note the animation will be applied to the slide you are on at the time. To apply one animation to all slides simply click apply to all.