Location: Capital: Istanbul Turkey, extended into Europe and North Africa Famous ruler: Suleiman the Magnificent Ottomans
Location: Centered in Iran Famous ruler: Abbas the Great Safavids
Comparison Ottomans Sunni Sultan was leader Empire lasted longer Safavids Shi’ite Shah was leader Ally of Europe Both: Tolerant, trade flourished, absolute rulers
“Sick Man of Europe” Reasons: Empire couldn’t control provinces “Young Turks” Overthrew Sultan Counter reforms and atrocities World War I Ally with Germany = losers Modern Turkey
Built industries with government funds Separated religion and government Replaced Islamic law with Western model Women given more rights Set up secular public schools Used western calendar, metric system, and alphabet Changed dress codes: Men forbidden to wear Fez Women forbidden to veil their faces Kemal Atatürk
Importance: Reduced distance for trade, travel Lowered cost and time for travel Made Middle East center for trade Suez Canal
Reasons for creation: Arabs angry at Europe for Imperialism and Colonialism Balfour Declaration Arabs call for single, unified Arab state Goals: Participating countries equal Strengthen relations between Arab states Become world power Reduce European influence in Mid East Arab League
Pros: Many very wealthy members Large oil deposits Membership is expanding Cons: Several very poor members Many internal disagreements Not Pro-West Arab League
Definition: Movement for unification among the peoples and countries of the Arab World Closely connected to Arab nationalism, which believes that Arabs constitute a single nation Pan-Arabism has tended to be secular (apart from religion) and often socialist Main supporter: Gamal Abdel Nasser Pan-Arabism
What did the Declaration create? Country of Israel, home for Jews Reasons it started conflict Muslims vs Jews Two people, one homeland Both claim holy land as their own Balfour Declaration
Definition: Movement for the establishment and support of a national homeland for Jews in Palestine Zionism