Ecosystems A PowerQuest for 5 th grade By: Emily Sayles Robinson Elementary School
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROIntroduction Welcome Ecologists! –Have you ever thought about our planet? How many animals are on our planet? What the plants are like across the ocean? How all those plants and animals all survive in one place? How cold the coldest places on earth are? –Today you are going to become ecologists and explore the ecosystems of our earth!
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Essential Question What are some characteristics of the world’s ecosystems?
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROTask Your team is going to explore an ecosystem and then report back to the class. Each team will have 4 members: –The Navigator –The Botanist –The Zoologist –The Meteorologist
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Group Responsibilities Navigator Responsible for the location and physical features of the ecosystem Responsible for the location and physical features of the ecosystemBotanist Responsible for researching plant life and landscape in the ecosystem Responsible for researching plant life and landscape in the ecosystem Zoologist Responsible for researching animals in the ecosystem Responsible for researching animals in the ecosystemMeteorologist Responsible for gathering information about the weather and climate in the ecosystem Responsible for gathering information about the weather and climate in the ecosystem
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROProcess 1. Click on your job name and follow the directions for your specific job. job name job name 2. When you finish your job, help your group members to finish their part. Make sure to check over all work to ensure you have all parts completed. Once everyone is finish complete the final questions worksheet. final questions final questions 3. When everyone is finished, staple your papers together neatly in the following order: 1. Final Questions Worksheet 2. Navigator papers 3. Botanist papers 4. Zoologist papers 5. Meteorologist papers 4. Make sure everyone in your group is ready to share what they learned with the class. If you finish early try out the extras page. extras pageextras page
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Choose your job Navigator Navigator Botanist Botanist Zoologist Zoologist Meteorologist Meteorologist
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Ecosystem Resource Page Rainforest DesertMarine TaigaGrasslands Tundra Temperate
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRONavigator Print your research sheet research sheetresearch sheet Go to the following link and at the bottom of the map, click “print the map” Color in the map to show where your ecosystem is located in the world Go to the ecosystems page and click on your ecosystem to find links to information you will need. ecosystems page ecosystems page Print your rubric, write your name on it, and put it on the top of your navigator papers rubric
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROBotanist Print your research sheet research sheetresearch sheet Go to the ecosystems page and click on your ecosystem to find links to information you will need ecosystems page ecosystems page Make sure you know all about the plant life in your ecosystem! Print your rubric, write your name on it, and put it on the top of your botanist papers rubric
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROZoologist Print your research sheet research sheetresearch sheet Go to the ecosystems page and click on your ecosystem to find links to information you will need ecosystems page ecosystems page Make sure you know all about the animals in your ecosystem! Print your rubric, write your name on it, and put it on the top of your zoologist papers rubric
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROMeteorologist Print your research sheet research sheetresearch sheet Go to the ecosystems page and click on your ecosystem to find links to information you will need ecosystems page ecosystems page Make sure you know all about the weather in your ecosystem! Print your rubric, write your name on it, and put it on the top of your meteorologist papers rubric
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Rainforest Websites orest.html orest.html orest.html heets/what_is_a_tropical_rainforest/ heets/what_is_a_tropical_rainforest/ heets/what_is_a_tropical_rainforest/ heets/tropical_rainforest_animals/ heets/tropical_rainforest_animals/ heets/tropical_rainforest_animals/
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Desert Websites ra.html ra.html ra.html html html html
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Marine Websites ml ml ml /habitats/oceans/index.cfm /habitats/oceans/index.cfm /habitats/oceans/index.cfm
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Taiga Websites HINT: The Taiga may also be called coniferous forest taiga.html taiga.html taiga.html html html html 35/biomes/taiga/taiga.html 35/biomes/taiga/taiga.html 35/biomes/taiga/taiga.html
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Tundra Websites ra.html ra.html ra.html html html html
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Temperate Websites HINT: The Temperate may also be called the deciduous forest
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Grasslands Websites HINT: The Grasslands may also be called the Savanna ssland.html ssland.html ssland.html d.shtml d.shtml d.shtml s.php s.php s.php
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROEvaluation Are your cooperating with your group? Have you completed all parts of the project? Do all answers completely answer the given question? Are all parts of your project neat? Rubric
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO One more thing! Once your group has finished all sections of the project, please complete these final questions together. final questionsfinal questions
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROConclusion Congratulations ecologists! –As you can see we live in a very complex world! Do you understand more about the different ecosystems now? –As we begin our ecosystems kit, please keep in mind all of these different ecosystems and how what you learn in the kit can apply to each ecosystem!
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROExtras Map of America’s ecosystems – try clicking on the different ecosystems to find out more about them Map of America’s ecosystems Map of America’s ecosystems Animal Universe – hit “maybe later” on the registration screen. Then match the animals to their habitat. Animal Universe Animal Universe Food Web Challenge – Can you figure out which animal eats what to complete the food web? Food Web Challenge Food Web Challenge Ecosystem Video & Quiz – test your knowledge about ecosystems! Ecosystem Video & Quiz Ecosystem Video & Quiz
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTROTeacher North Carolina standard course of study Science - Goal 1 This PowerQuest accommodates 28 students. –If you have fewer students you could eliminate an ecosystem. Groups that finish early could go back and research leftover ecosystems.
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Teacher Resources eriment14.swf eriment14.swf eriment14.swf s/ch54c1.swf s/ch54c1.swf s/ch54c1.swf
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION TEACHER INTRO Fair Use Policy This multimedia presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.