Team 8-3 Welcomes You….
GEORGIA STUDIES WEIGHTING: Assessments:65% Practice Work: 20% Portfolio/ Semester Exam:15%
PORTFOLIOS A portfolio is a purposeful collection of an individual’s work that exhibits his/her efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. The purpose of a portfolio is to help students keep track of their own learning to show growth in their learning.
FIELD TRIPS North Georgia Field Trip – 1 Day North Georgia Field Trip – 1 Day November 15 th $75 November 15 th $75 Georgia Studies Trip – 3 days Georgia Studies Trip – 3 days May 7, 8 & 9th$360 More information will be coming soon about payment plans and behavior expectations.
MATH WEIGHTING: WEIGHTING: Assessments:75% Practice:10% Exam:15%
MATH Steps to fixing a bad grade. Steps to fixing a bad grade. Stay on task in class. Stay on task in class. Come in for some Free Tutoring Come in for some Free Tutoring 8am 8am 8am 8am Redo the assignment. Redo the assignment. 8am 8am 8am 8am
MATH Have Missing Work? Have Missing Work? Turn it in. Turn it in. I will only deduct 1 point. I will only deduct 1 point. (Just keep in mind that a missing assignment calculates as a zero in the grade book) (Just keep in mind that a missing assignment calculates as a zero in the grade book)
LANGUAGE ARTS WEIGHTING: WEIGHTING: Practice: 20% Assessments: 65% Exams:15% Exams:15%
READING Reading is an important skill that will help students in all academic areas! 8 th graders are required to read at least 1 book per 9 weeks for Read Reading is an important skill that will help students in all academic areas! 8 th graders are required to read at least 1 book per 9 weeks for Read Students must have a book to read anytime they are finished with their work.
SCIENCE WEIGHTING: Assessment:40% (Tests/Projects) Practice:20% (CW, Labs, HW) Quizzes:25% Semester Exams:15%
ATTENDANCE ◊ Regular school attendance is not only key to a student's success, but mandated by the compulsory attendance law. ◊ All absences require a written excuse to be submitted in writing (no s) within 3 days of the absence. ◊ Students are marked absent at 8:55 a.m.
MAKE-UP WORK MAKE-UP WORK Students are responsible for making up all work missed during absence. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the teacher’s classroom procedures for obtaining make-up work. Follow the handbook for the number of days to make up work following an absence.
MISSING WORK ■ Lunch detention will be assigned for missing work. ■ Points will be deducted for any work not submitted on time.
CITATIONS 1 ST -- Written Warning 1 ST -- Written Warning 2 ND -- Parent Communication, 2 ND -- Parent Communication, Silent Lunch Silent Lunch 3 RD -- Parent Communication, 3 RD -- Parent Communication, Team Discipline Team Discipline 4 TH -- Office Referral 4 TH -- Office Referral BY TEACHER & START OVER EACH SEMESTER
SNACKS Snacks are sold daily. Proceeds will be for team rewards and other team events.
DONATIONS We need the following items: We need the following items: Paper Towels Paper Towels Tissues!!! Tissues!!! Hand Sanitizer Hand Sanitizer Clorox Wipes Clorox Wipes Band-aids Band-aids Individually Wrapped Candy Individually Wrapped Candy
COMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL!!! Agendas Agendas Infinite Campus Infinite Campus Weekly Newsletters via Weekly Newsletters via Schoolwires Schoolwires
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