Welcome To Back To School Night Jennifer A. Gripton Educ 509 Friday, November 27, 2015Friday, November 27, 2015Friday, November 27, 2015Friday, November 27, 2015
Meet Your Child’s Teacher by Clicking on the Picture:
Table of Contents Daily Schedule Specials (Gym, Music,etc.) Parent Volunteers Supply Info Absent Notes Field Trips Questions My Contact Info
Daily Schedule 8:30-9:00a.m. Attendance, Check Homework 9:00-10:30a.m. Literacy Block 10:30-11:00a.m.Bathroom, Snack, Recess 11:00a.m.-12:30p.m. Math Block 12:30-1:15p.m. Lunch
Daily Schedule Continued 1:15-2:00p.m. Specials 2:00-2:45p.m. Social Studies or Science 2:45-3:09p.m. Closing Thoughts, Packing Up
Social Studies/Science 1 st part of the school year (Sept.-Jan.) there will be Social Studies for 3 days a week 2 nd part of the school year (Feb.-June) there will be Social Studies for 2 days a week 1 st part of the school year (Sept.-Jan.) there will be Science for 2 days a week 2 nd part of the school year (Feb.-June) there will be Science for 3 days a week
Specials Mondays: Gym (Make sure your child wears sneakers) Tuesdays: Music Wednesdays: Art Thursdays: Computers Fridays: Library
Volunteers Are Always Greatly Appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!
Basic Supply List 5 Marble Copy books 5 Folders Pack of Theme paper (lined paper) 4 pencils with erasers 2 erasers 4 pens (blue or black) 1 pack of 100 index cards
Supplies Continued Notes will be sent home when more supplies are needed I will try to provide as much of the art supplies that I can If we need something for an art project I will send home a note with the option of either I pick it up and you send the $ or you send in the supply
Absent Notes I should receive an absent note the day your child returns to school If you can not provide an absent note on that day I need it no later than a week after the day or days that your child was absent Please review School Hand Book for more details about specific absents (School Hand Books are available at the back table)
Field Trips In the Fall (no specific date yet) Linvilla Orchard Weather Permitting a trip to The Woodmere Art Museum In the Spring (no specific date yet) The Philadelphia Zoo End of the school year (no specific date or location yet) School Picnic
Field Trips Continued Information will be sent home about each specific trip as the trip dates get closer I will provide at least a month notice for each trip if not more time Please remember to always read all the directions for each trip because if I do not receive a signed permission slip and whatever else I need unfortunately your child will not be able to go
Is There Any Questions, Comments or Concerns Are There Any Questions, Comments or Concerns?
I that hope you enjoyed your time here tonight. Please do not forget to read the letter that your child left especially for you. If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at any time! Remember when you go home tonight to thank you child for leaving you their special message. They worked very hard on those letters. I look forward to a productive and fun year!
Thank You! My Contact Info: I can be reached at extension 1221 or at