Daniele Tognetto MD, Pia Leon MD, Paolo Cecchini MD, Silvia Rinaldi MD, Giuseppe Ravalico MD The Authors have no proprietary interest in any products or devices discussed in this presentation University Eye Clinic of Trieste (Italy) Head: Prof. Giuseppe Ravalico Phaco Tip Displacement and Working Frequencies of different Phaco Machines Aim of the study: Step 1. determine the working frequency of the phaco machines Step 2. evaluate the extent of the longitudinal stroke of the phaco machines Step 3. analyze the shape and the dynamics of the stroke of two phaco machines working with lateral tip movements
AMO Signature Ellips FX Alcon Infiniti Ozyl Torsional Bausch&Lomb Stellaris Phaco machines analyzed
Step 1- Working frequency Video wet stroke fixture Transparent BSS filled chamber High magnification videocamera Micrometric fixture Strobo light source Phaco handpiece
PHACO MACHINEWorking Frequency Alcon Infiniti OZil Longitudinal43.61 Hz Torsional31.62 Hz Abbott Signature Whitestar Ellips longitudinal29.05 Hz Ellips FX38.00 Hz Baush&Lomb Stellaris28.75 Hz Step 1- Results Working frequency
x y y x Camera Step 2 -Tip dynamics Video wet stroke fixture Transparent BSS filled chamber High magnification videocamera Micrometric video controller X and Y superimposed measurement lines External peristaltic pump Light source A shiny spot is used as a surface landmark which generates a visible trace varying in shape and length according to the tip movement Phaco handpiece
Longitudinal tip movement at rising phaco power Step 2 - Results U/S Longitudinal
AMO Signature Ellips FX Alcon Infiniti OZil Torsional ■X and Y components of tip movement ■Different power settings (10 to 100%) ■Bent tip (end of tip and at incision) Side-to-side movement is an emerging phaco technology and an effective alternative to conventional lungitudinal U/S Step 3 – New phaco modalities
Longitudinal and lateral movement at rising phaco power Infiniti Ozil - Virtually no longitudinal movement - Linear increase at rising power Ellips FX - Both longitudinal and lateral components, drawing an elliptic pattern - Linear increase of movement up to about 40% then tending to a plateau Step 3 Results – New phaco modalities Reduced movement at incision for both machines (especially for Alcon OZil) Alcon OZil
A single movement variable was mathematically calculated from longitudinal and lateral movement taking into account the working frequency Infiniti OZil: Linear increase of stroke Ellips FX: Linear increase to about 40% then tending to a plateau Step 3 Results – Normalized stroke
CONCLUSIONS Step 1 - Working Frequency The knowledge of the working frequency is important to compare the different machines in terms of delivered phaco energy Step 2 - U/S Longitudinal A different movement behaviour has been observed ■ Alcon Infiniti: highest frequency, lowest stroke extension ■ AMO Signature: lower frequency, higher stroke extension ■ Bausch&Lomb Stellaris: lower frequency, highest stroke exstension
CONCLUSIONS Step 3 - Torsional and transversal mode ■Infiniti OZil: - Horizontal stroke with linear power delivery - Longitudinal stroke almost absent ■Ellips FX: - Mostly horizontal stroke up to 40% - Mostly longitudinal stroke tending to a plateau over 40% power The stroke dynamic is an important variable affecting phaco cutting efficiency Its knowledge is crucial to exploit the advantages of these new phaco devices