facebook Wall Photos Profile Sources Centrioles Logout Centrioles are ready to organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division!!! Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… What's on your mind?.. Share View photos of Centrioles (1051) Centrioles Just found out that I live inside an animal cell!! Cool! 1881 Friends( 861) Poke/ Message Cilia to Centrioles- DID YOU KNOW THAT WE ARE INSIDE AN ANIMAL CELL!! HOW COOL IS THAT!? 1881 Information See wall to wall Networks: Human body Birthday: originally discovered in 1876 Lives in: Animal cells Activities: -Dividing within a cell -being involved in organization of the mitotic spindle -help make cilia Centrioles helping with the formation of cilia and flagella!! 1878 Centrioles going to go do some organizing!! FUN!! 1877 Friends Centrioles going to go help with some cell division!! 1877 nucleus Mitotic Spindle Protons Centrioles …finally discovered!!! yahhh! 1876 Neutrons Electrons Cytoplasts
facebook Wall Photos Me Sources John F. Kennedy Logout Centrioles are ready to organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division!!! Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Human body Birthday: originally discovered in 1876 Lives in: Animal cells Activities: -Dividing within a cell -being involved in organization of the mitotic spindle -help make cilia View photos Centrioles (1051) Friends( 861) Poke/ Message Personal Information Activities: -Dividing within a cell -being involved in organization of the mitotic spindle -help make cilia Interests: Chilling in the animal cell chatting with my family Favorite Music: Eminem( rap) Favorite Movies: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Favorite TV Shows: Bill Nye the Science Guy Favorite Books: Biology 101 Information Networks: Human body Birthday: originally discovered in 1876 Lives in: Animal cells Activities: -Dividing within a cell -being involved in organization of the mitotic spindle -help make cilia Contact Information Photos 2 Albums Address: Inside the animal cell Phone Number: (605) 323-1197 The Family Updated last Tuesday Home Sweet …..Home Updated two months ago
facebook Wall Photos Me Sources John F. Kennedy Logout Centrioles are ready to organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division!!! Wall Info Photos Boxes View photos of Centrioles (1051) JFK’s Albums 2 Photo Alums 651 photos The Family 50 photos Home Sweet…..Home 450 photos Profile Pictures
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME RESOURCES USED: -bio/cell.org/boc/080/0107/boco800107.pdf -Biology4kids.com/files/cell_centride.html -Wikipedia.org/wiki/Centriole -Newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/centriole -Buzzle.com/articles/centrioles.html Pictures: -jessicas.tpmsmagnet.com -missbakersbiologyclasswiki.wikispaces.com -faculty.muhs.edu -mybiomedart.wordpress.com -shs.westport.k12.ct.us -http://www.sciencecontrol.com/centriole-function.html -mitchison.med.harvard.edu -sr.bham.ac.uk MADE OF: They are found at right angles to each other, but not touching themselves. They are surrounded by a compact wall. This wall is made up of nine parallel micro tubes. Centrioles are surrounded by a clear type of cytoplasm called Centrospheres. FUNCTION: -help make cilia -help with the division of cells -help the organization of the Mitotic Spindle -help with the formation of Flagella MISCELLANEOUS: A Centrioles is a barrel-shaped cell structure found in most animal eukaryotic cells, though it is not in higher plants and most fungi. The walls of each Centrioles are usually made of nine triplets of microtubules. VIDEO http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=220978&title=Stages_of_Mitosis_Claymation