Goal Setting
The ability to set and achieve goals is important for any team and it’s leader. A goal is a desired result or purpose toward which one is working. “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there.”
Everyone should have a short-term and long-term goal. Long-term goals can take years or a lifetime to achieve. Short-term goals usually take days, weeks or months.
The short-term goals are the smaller steps that lead to long-term goals. Example-long term goal might be to graduate from college with a health care degree. What are some short- term goals that might lead to graduating from college with a health care degree?
Short term goals will change constantly as one is completed and a new one is created.
How to set goals effectively 1.State goals in a positive manner: use words like “accomplish” rather than “avoid” 2.Define goals clearly and precisely: it may be good to set a time limit to accomplish the goal 3.Prioritize multiple goals: determine which goals are the most important and complete them first
4. Write goals down: this makes the goal seem real and attainable. 5. Make sure each goal is at the right level: goals should present a challenge, but not be too difficult or impossible to complete.
How do you feel when you accomplish a goal? How do you feel when you don’t achieve your goal?
What do you do when you don’t meet your goal? When you don’t meet your goal: evaluate the situation and determine why you failed. Identify what prevented you from reaching your goal. Was the goal realistic? Do you need more skills or knowledge to obtain the goal?
Is there another way to achieve the goal? Don’t beat yourself up, learn from your failures and make a new plan. Time management is important in achieving your goals-use a calendar or daily planner to keep up with accomplishments.
Goal Setting in Health care Example: Becoming a Magnet Hospital agnetJourney.aspx Preventing patient injury due to falls
Time Management Time management is used to ensure success in meeting established goals Using a daily planner or calendar helps write things down, stay organized, and become aware of conflicts
Effective Time Management Skills Analyze and prioritize: determine what tasks must be completed to achieve goals. List tasks in order of most to least important Schedule tasks Make a daily “to do” list Plan your work Avoid distractions Take credit for a job well done
Time Management in Healthcare Nursing: 0645-Report to unit, clock in and begin taking report on patient assignment 0715-check on all patients, order breakfast for patients, get patients out of bed 0800-begin checking vital signs and gathering medications 0900-morning medications due to all patient 0945-Breakfast break or begin charting 1000-end of breakfast break, continue charting 1100-make rounds on all patients; begin gathering all noon medications, order lunch, check blood sugars 1200-administer all medications 1300-Antibiotic medications due 1330-lunch break and/or begin charting 1400-return from lunch break, charting 1500-Make rounds on all patients, check urine output, IV bags, I’s & O’s 1600-Begin gathering 1700 medications 1700-Administer 1700 medications 1800-Close all charts, check to make sure all blood is drawn, baths are given, dressings are changed 1845-begin giving report to the oncoming shift 1930-Clock out and go home!!