Fostering an Online Learning Environment to Develop Literacy Skills Julie Lindsay Head of Technology International School Dhaka, Bangladesh
Modern Learning Pedagogy Use of the WWW for teaching and learning Fostering a sense of community between isolated learners Use of asynchronous learning network Anytime, anywhere learning Complements traditional face-to-face teaching and learning Encouraging responsible and independent participation in the learning process: constructivist approach
Online Tools for Promoting Information Literacy and Communication Foster learner engagement and include techniques for learner-learner and learner- teacher interaction Deliver content (information), provide a forum for publication and can stimulate opportunities for knowledge development Examples: Weblogs and Blogging Discussion Forums Digital Portfolio development
Weblogs and Blogging Some Definitions Weblog:An online journal Blog: Slang form of Weblog Blogger: Someone who maintains and/or contributes to a blog Blogging: (To Blog) to write into the journal Blogosphere: All blogs can be found here
Webopedia definition: (n.) Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly-accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
21 st Century Definition of Literacy Literacy = Communication (reading + writing) Blogging = Communication (reading + writing) Blogging = Literacy From David Warlick, Classroom Blogging: A Teacher’s Guide to the Blogosphere
Characteristics of Weblogs Format Designed to be updated with items chronologically, similar to a personal journal or diary Articles and postings can be grouped by the date and time they are posted
Characteristics of Weblogs Software Often implemented using special software Common software includes Blogger, Manila, Greymatter, Movable Type Free weblog registration available online
Characteristics of Weblogs Personality Often the subject matter is of a personal nature The journal can be about the author and/or their opinions of the world
Characteristics of Weblogs Community Fostering an online community by comments posted in response to articles Often encourages active participation in the discussion
Common Uses of Weblogs Journal: Personal (with group input and discussion optional) Journal: Group (to share materials and ideas formally or informally) To present information online (news, organisation focus website) Store and share knowledge (discussion and collaboration)
Weblog and Blogging Examples Baghdad Burning – girl blog from Iraq EduBlog Insights – teacher blog eLearning Blog – school community
Weblog and Blogging Student Examples process journal SakibSakib ProttoyProttoy ShababShabab Theory of Knowledge discussion forum SaifSaif Literature class Secret Life of Bees and a discussion exampleSecret Life of Beesdiscussion
Student Digital Portfolios Students to digitize their work and present it via a web- page interface Work through the process of planning, selecting and reflecting, creating and publishing
Student Digital Portfolios Advantages of using a Weblog for online publication Instant publication Always accessible at school and at home Provides web page publishing flexibility Can upload many file formats Can be modified to suit individual personality Has the potential for greater collaborative work via the discussion areas on class and individual weblogs
Student Digital Portfolios Why an online learning community? Students are involved in: Maintaining an online journal and discussion work Creating a collaborative learning community to help each other through the portfolio development process
Student Digital Portfolios Examples: Shaveena Shakila Nahar Afiq Rayan
How Do You Get Started? Free online services for weblogs and blogging
Presented by: Julie Lindsay Head of Technology International School Dhaka